FW: European Writing Centers Association 2024 Conference

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Nov 29, 2023, 12:21:31 PM11/29/23
to menawca-ma...@googlegroups.com


From: European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing - discussions <EA...@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Lawrence.Cleary
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 5:18 PM
Subject: European Writing Centers Association 2024 Conference


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the University of Limerick. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender's email address and know the content is safe.

Dear all:


I am writing to update you on the upcoming EWCA Conference. I posted this advertisement in early October. At the time, I was assured by the UL Conference and Sports Facilities, the conference management outfit that I have hired to help put this conference together, that we would have our abstract submission software and our UL webpages up and ready by the first week in November. I am now being informed that the date by which the abstract submission software will be ready is December 6th or in the days soon after.


I apologise profusely for the delay. Unfortunately, these past two months, our university has been in the process of migrating our website to a new content management system, and this has caused some difficulty in getting our pages up and running. Please, bear with me while we go through this process. We will have an abstract submission page up in the coming week as well as pages informing delegates about conference fees, travel and hotels, etc. I encourage writing center scholars everywhere to ready your abstracts for submission. I will follow up next week with another update and links to follow.


Again, apologies for the very long delay. Lawrence



The Board of the European Writing Centers Association is delighted to announce our Call for Papers!


A close up of numbers

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Announcing the EWCA2024 Conference, June 11-14, 2024, University of Limerick, Ireland:


The Future of Writing Centers


This conference invites participants to re-assess existing narratives that impact on writing center policies and practices and envisage new ideas of what writing centers could become in the future.


For details, visit the EWCA Events page, here.


Details regarding fees and hotels, etc. to follow soon.


Fáilte roimh chách!


Please forgive, again, for cross-posting.


Sharing with relevant local networks is enthusiastically encouraged! The more the merrier!




Best regards, Lawrence


Lawrence Cleary

Director Regional Writing Centre

C1065 Main Building

University of Limerick,

Limerick, Ireland V94 T9PX


353 (0)61 202607


_________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe login to https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=EATAW You find the 'Unsubscribe' button in the blue 'Options bar'

EWCA 2024 Conference Leaflet (3).pdf


Dec 8, 2023, 7:15:46 AM12/8/23
to menawca-ma...@googlegroups.com

To whom it may concern:


I am not able to send to the MENAWCA maili...@menawca.org address. The email bounces back. I hope that this comes through to you.  


It seemed many of the links to MENAWCA on the web were down. Maybe there is an issue with the main site? The message that I am getting is that I do not have permission to access the site.


Please do forward the message below on to MENAWCA members. We would love to hear from all corners.


Thank you in advance.


Best wishes, Lawrence


Lawrence Cleary

Director Regional Writing Centre

C1065 Main Building

University of Limerick,

Limerick, Ireland V94 T9PX


353 (0)61 202607


From: Lawrence.Cleary
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 11:54 AM
To: IN...@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE; ewca...@list.uni-graz.at; Writing Center Mailing List <wce...@lyris.ttu.edu>; EA...@JISCMAIL.AC.UK; 'MENAWCA' <maili...@menawca.org>; redl...@gmail.com; cwca...@groups.io
Subject: European Writing Centers Association 2024 Conference


Dear all:


As always, apologies for cross-posting.


I am writing to inform you that our website is finally up and running. Please find the University of Limerick’s EWCA2024 conference management site here: https://www.ewca2024.com/. Again, apologies for the very long delay.


The site is still under development, but the abstract submission software and registration are now in place and ready to accept your abstract.


Please, visit our abstract submission page here: https://www.ewca2024.com/ewca2024abstracts.


We look forward to a long-awaited opportunity to meet face to face this coming June, not having met live since 2016 with our friends in Łódź. (Fond memories: https://www.facebook.com/ewca2016/.) It is our hope that counties Limerick and Clare will be sunny, dry and warm for our days together in June. There is information being loaded onto our website about travel in Ireland and places to stay while here. Please, take a look.


Likewise, we look forward to reading your abstracts and confirming your attendance so, please, submit now.


Best wishes for the holidays, Lawrence

EWCA 2024 Conference Leaflet (3).pdf
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