Format & Send

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Dec 8, 2018, 12:32:27 PM12/8/18
to mementodatabase
We are exploring how we can use memento to inventory items being services at a client's location. However, we have to send copies of our inventory to a client. The old fashion method was to leave yellow carbon copies of our handwritten inventories. 

Possible solutions that I am not sure will work:
  • Create a file with all the entries and email to client: Custom formatting needed. The form has to have some sort of easy to read format and a pleasing look in accordance with our other company forms.

  • (better option) Send all data to a script which will handle the heavy load via http request through an action. I read that memento supports POST method to send data. I have not seen any examples, so this is where I need some help if anyone has any readily available snippets or code. 
Thanks in advance


Dec 8, 2018, 12:46:29 PM12/8/18
to mementodatabase
as of version 1.4.5 - no documentation though.

Scripts: Added method post() in object Http to send POST (HTTP) requests.

Bill Crews

Dec 8, 2018, 4:34:42 PM12/8/18
to Aaron, mementodatabase
Such documentation as there is is user contributed. See the wiki in general ( and in particular, the following wiki pages:

Trigger Examples
Memento JavaScript Library

The last two have specific sections on HTTP, as well as SMTP and others.

I haven't personally explored these parts of the package.

Bill Crews

Dec 8, 2018, 4:37:43 PM12/8/18
to Aaron, mementodatabase
What also occurs to me is that formatting the report itself could involve export or sync to spreadsheet OR use of the JasperSoft report writing capability. I see you're using the desktop edition that the report writer runs on.
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