New field type - Color.
Added as a data source for autofill. This source contains information about computer games.
Scripts: Added global function email(), which send an email message via SMTP in the background.
Scripts: Added method post() in object Http to send POST (HTTP) requests.
Scripts: Added methods for access to HTTP-headers. The Http object has the method - headers() - for set up headers for a request. The HttpResult object has the method - header(name) - to read the result headers by name.
Added ability to choose the location of the image cache folder.
//Send email example
//You must use the Object to specify SMTP configuration: SMTP server host, port, username, password, and email address.
var cfg = {"host" : "" , "port":25,
"user":"username" , "pass":"password" ,
email().send(cfg , "" , "Subject" , "Text");
var result = http().post("" , "the body of the request message");
//HTTP Headers
//set up header
var http = http();
http.headers( { "User-Agent" : "My Super App" });
var result = http.get("");
//get response header
var headerValue = result.header("etag");
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