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4.5.5 Beta available for beta testers

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Aug 1, 2018, 9:07:45 AM8/1/18
to mementodatabase
Hello everyone!

4.5.5 Beta available for beta testers.


  • New field type - Color.

  • Added as a data source for autofill. This source contains information about computer games.

  • Scripts: Added global function email(), which send an email message via SMTP in the background.

  • Scripts: Added method post() in object Http to send POST (HTTP) requests.

  • Scripts: Added methods for access to HTTP-headers. The Http object has the method - headers() - for set up headers for a request. The HttpResult object has the method - header(name) - to read the result headers by name.

  • Added ability to choose the location of the image cache folder.

Script examples:

//Send email example
//You must use the Object to specify SMTP configuration: SMTP server host, port, username, password, and email address.
var cfg = {"host" : "" , "port":25,
"user":"username" , "pass":"password" ,
().send(cfg , "" , "Subject" , "Text");

var result = http().post("" , "the body of the request message");

//HTTP Headers
//set up header
var http = http();
.headers( { "User-Agent" : "My Super App" });
var result = http.get("");

//get response header
var headerValue = result.header("etag");

To become a beta tester you should join the group "mementodatabase-beta" on Google +After joining the group, you should navigate to this link:

The desktop version 1.4.5 that is compatible with this update:

Tomasz K.

Aug 18, 2018, 5:34:18 AM8/18/18
to mementodatabase

function email()

Excuse me :)
Maybe my question is stupid ...
How to write the message content so that the diacritics specific to the Polish language are displayed correctly?

ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż


Paulo Costa

Aug 21, 2018, 2:20:55 PM8/21/18
to mementodatabase
Will sensitive information (passwords) be exposed to other users in case of library access permission?
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