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Two-Step and Desktop Master Password

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Jonas Koch

Jan 22, 2018, 8:16:50 AM1/22/18
to mementodatabase
Hi there,

my question is why you don't have to type in a master Password on an encrypted Library if you use the Desktop application.
And if there are any plans to implement Two-Step authentication in the application.

I really like the Program to store my Movies, Games and Books, but I would like to store my Passwords as well, wich i cannot if you can just get into my passwords and if there is no Two-Step.

Thanks in advance for the Answers.

Bill Crews

Jan 22, 2018, 8:56:36 AM1/22/18
to Jonas Koch, mementodatabase
I hope the developer reads this and responds. He has been known to read certain posts. I gather, however, that it happens only rarely.

As for users like us, I doubt any of us know the answer. For myself, I also wanted to share my vault library across my Android devices, but I found that not only does the password not take effect in the cloud, but also not on the other device. It seems to be device-specific. The only choice would be to password protect separately on each device, but to sync them, the library is exposed on the cloud, so I gave up.

If two-step proposed in UserVoice?

Tony G

Jan 22, 2018, 6:44:25 PM1/22/18
to mementodatabase
I haven't done this, but given the tools that are available, including the new Cloud API, I can envision a setup where we use common private key and public key encryption on fields like passwords, and store that encrypted data in the cloud. Our devices would have the private key. Scripts executed on Entry open and save would handle the en/de-cryption and exporting the data back out to the cloud.

You could actually combine that with 2FA, getting a service like Twilio or Slack to send you an extra code that's used a part of the decryption process. This has some holes in it but to some extent here you're somewhat protected by the obscurity of the solution. I'd have to think it through more carefully to tighten up the lose ends but it sounds like you might be able to do that too.

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