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numerous shut downs Android 7 Galaxy 6 edge

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Dec 9, 2017, 3:42:08 PM12/9/17
to mementodatabase

I repair pianos and plan to have a documented photos database

My first try was on welding I do for training, recording the welding data, adding pics 

The software stop working really often, so often I do not make as much records I wished 
I create a record, save it then reopen to take the pics but shut down occurs often.

It seem to shut down when I take pics or when I am in record modification of a record

Also , I understand the pics are not stored in the database, but if if I sync the database (lite plan) they are uplowded in miniature size ?  WHen I ask to "download" pics from the lbrary version, where does it find the pics ? By a link similar to the one on the cell phone ?

I have all those pics usually in Google drive "google photos" so they are saved here in a reduced size, is there a simple mean to use the reduced size from scratch (I suppose I have simply to lower the definition in the pics parameters, but there is no option to do so automatically from the database ? ) I seem to notice that if I do not open and download an individual picture, they are on the cloud in a reduced size and definition, or are those sort of miniatures? can that level of pics be kept ? when I download a pic from the web library, does it enter full size in the library ?
 The solution would be to add the pics later but this is not what I have on mind 

Those large pics (4 Mo) are they responsive for the slowness of the sync ? 

But first, what should I do to avoid those shut downs ? I use the current version, 4.3.7 pro ,not beta.

Thank you for your answers . I did send a similar inquiry to support

It happened me yet to loose time and personal data due to software crashes so I will be sure before really spending time recording with Memento.


Dec 10, 2017, 10:16:51 AM12/10/17
to mementodatabase
Shut down clearly linked to picture shots from the application, I could not add barcodes yet at that point .

Any pointers ? (I did resize mi pics to less heavy, and changed their dimensions without success) Is there a preferred dimension or maximum size in Mo ?

it looks like the links from pics and barcodes are fragile , if I read about the sync problems users are experiencing

May be giving more access to the indexing could help users to repair those dead links situations ?



Dec 14, 2017, 6:55:08 AM12/14/17
to mementodatabase
Thank you Vasya (answered me by PM)

I think the most probable reason of my shut downs is that , as I wa working, I took pics in a hurry, and did not wait enough to clicl "OK" in Memento.

The picture probably not yet recorded/processed was not really available for the Memento access.

I lowered the pic size/definition, and have no more shut downs

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