How to Install Memento DB on Ubuntu and Xubuntu and other variants

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Thomas Branley

Feb 10, 2017, 5:38:25 PM2/10/17
to mementodatabase
I struggled through to do this,

Hope it helps,

Good luck I am now running it on Xubuntu no problems,

Any questions let me know,

1. Download memento database in zip file,
2. Unzip file to reveal folder containing memento-1.0.8-jar folder
3. Follow link on website to java runtime environment download 'How to run Jar version' namely:
4. Follow to the letter this guide:
5. Once your linux computer is rebooted, then check that is is running jRE in terminal, as instructed in guide from step 4. java -version
6. Once confirmed that jRE is working you need to open terminal, navigate using cd /home/your-username-here/your-path-to-unzipped-mementodb-1.0.8-jar folder/
Once inside the mementodb-1.0.8-jar folder you need to run 'sudo chmod a+x mementodb.jar', this will make jar file executable
7. Now probably you won't be able to see jdk/jre as option to run the file from linux gui, so you now have to fix this,
8. Follow guide at
or my advice is to open terminal, go to cd /usr/share/applications,type 'sudo nano openjdk-8-java.desktop' when inside folder, this will then create a new file called openjdk-8-java.desktop
now when in file copy and paste following into it:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=OpenJDK Java 8 Runtime
Comment=OpenJDK Java 8 Runtime
Exec=cautious-launcher %f /usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_121/bin/java -jar %f

You should change the "/usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_121/bin/java" part of Exec to the location of java on your system. Then reboot and the option should be there.

Now when you go to the mementodb.jar file in ubuntu gui, you can right click it, click 'Properties' from pop up menu, In 'General' tab click 'open with' and select OpenJDK Java 8 Runtime
Now when you double click on mementodb.jar icon it will load mementodb in Ubuntu,


Bill Crews

Feb 10, 2017, 8:16:04 PM2/10/17
to mementodatabase
Excellent! Thanks! I don't run Linux these days, but I'll be happy to put this into the wiki.

Adi Kwok

Oct 14, 2018, 2:58:39 AM10/14/18
to mementodatabase
is there any more simple way to understand how to apt-get install memento-database for ubuntu 18.04.1?
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