Hi there!
I'm in need of assistance for WHAT to use as a calculation when using fields from another library **which have important limiters - the date AND contact who the receipt is tied to?*
Step1: I've created two libraries which have a relationship. Library #1 for Contacts (contacts) and Library #2 for Transactions (receipts) in which individual fields in each library assist to calculate a 'current' available budget/net worth.
Step 2: Contacts has fields for financial wealth with calculations - such as Inherited Income #(inherited income) + Employment Income #(employment.income) = Net worth #(net worth)
Step 3: Transactions has fields for recording the breakdown of the income #(income) - expense #(expense) = total transaction #(total transaction)
Step: 4 The libraries have been successfully linked to import the #(net worth) from Contacts to a field in Transactions via a 'link to entry' field #(transaction payee net worth) establishing 'who' to debt or credit the transaction to... the selected contact's net worth is imported into a field called #(pretransaction net worth). Then still in Transactions library I calculate #(pretransaction net worth) - #(transaction total) = #(post transaction net worth)
*** up to this point all works out***
WHAT I'm struggling to resolve is then how to re-calculate the 'new' net worth of the selected contact in the Contacts library? So using a new field in Contacts #(current net worth) I'm hoping to use a calculation such as #(net worth) + #(transactions.transaction payee net worth.transaction total) = #(current net worth)???
FOR anyone familiar with the Memento Database software you may realize the desktop and mobile app have DIFFERENT abilities when trying to prepopulate a calculation using linked/associated libraries. I found that when I use this method on the mobile, I can see a list with more options from linked libraries in the form of #(transactions.transaction payee net worth) whereas the 'transactions' before the 'transaction payee net worth' points the calculation to another library, and the later points to the field in such library. OVERALL this calculation never works and does not add/subtract the transaction total from the Transactions library and just simply show the net worth, leaving me to understand the calculation is not retrieving the require field in the Transactions library or I'm missing a limiter/constrictor?