user defined barcode database

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Isaias Baez

Apr 3, 2014, 8:36:36 PM4/3/14
hi. I have two custom databases, one for order information and other fit product information... I assigned barcodes to the products and would like to be able to use the barcode field to fill some info when I scan a code in the order database.

right now I see that memento searches info from the Amazon database, is it doable to make it search from a local database and be able to have auto fill rules as well?


Blyss Buitrago

Apr 30, 2014, 6:37:01 AM4/30/14
I'm actually having the exact same dilemma, where it'd be great if the database could pull from itself data from a particular entry once I scan the barcode. So far I'm not having much luck though

Mr Mukura

Apr 30, 2014, 2:58:37 PM4/30/14
Yup... I know what you mean... memento uservoice forum has had "link to field" field type marked as planned for a while. As I understand it memento is a flat file type database, correct me if im wrong... anyhow running a local barcode database would likely require this function... ive been using memento three years now and noticed that good things take time... dev is responsive but not rapid... maybe goto uservoice forum and use votes to nudge the works along.. I bought the commercial license and would happily pay again or purchase votes for the forum as this is hands down the best local storage database app out there... itll get there.

Mr Mukura

Apr 30, 2014, 2:58:40 PM4/30/14

Mr Mukura

May 1, 2014, 6:09:40 AM5/1/14

if {*=*}, then goto *

A library is a csv

A record is a row

A field is a column

Currently a record can not reference or call a column within the same one csv file, OR any other csv file.

I care not for backend googlespeak. This issue and thread is frontend and public.

I marked your email as spam.

On 1/05/2014 9:51 AM, "Bill Crews" <> wrote:
If you can't tell how it is implemented inside, then it doesn't really matter, does it?  We've had debates about flat files, relational, and so on, and we can continue to debate it (I say it is about as relational as anything), but if you can't tell by poking, then what does it matter?


Mr Mukura

May 1, 2014, 6:15:11 AM5/1/14

if you read my earlier post, you can see that this future feature will offer such a relationship. Thats what matters.


Uservoice forum

Bill Crews

May 1, 2014, 11:56:57 AM5/1/14
Well, OK.
  1. If you now have me marked as spam, then we can't have a dialogue.  Unfortunate.  No thanks for outing my private message to the group.  That's uncool etiquette, and I doubt this dialogue will be useful to very many people in the group.

  2. I responded specifically to your statement "As I understand it memento is a flat file type database, correct me if im wrong.".  Since memento has a .db file type, and we are presumably all using its user interface, I stand by my statement.  Are you parsing the .db file using some software tool or otherwise have information about the internal workings of memento?

  3. Since I'm not always current on, I googled "link to field" there and got nothing back at all, so I'm not aware if such a feature is being discussed or is planned. Do you have another information source to the contrary? If so, how is Link to Field intended to work?

  4. "A library is a csv" is partly true, in that a library exports to a csv, but I've never heard that memento actually drives off a csv.  A csv doesn't (normally, anyway) contain the structure necessary to implement all of memento's features.

  5. "Currently a record can not reference or call a column within the same one csv file, OR any other csv file."  Well, memento's Link to Entry does reference a field within another library, though only the key (name) value is returned; I use that all the time. It sounds like you are wanting to reference another field within the same library or a nonkey field within another library.  Is that what you are wanting and consider to be planned for future implementation? I could dig that.

  6. "if {*=*},  then goto *": What is a goto in memento?  Again, are you parsing memento databases in ruby or php or something?  If there is a goto in memento, I don't see it anywhere.

  7. What is "backend googlespeak"?  Memento is what it is and works the way it works; it has no backend or frontend, unless you call editing a library "backend".
Don't tune me out.  Help me understand what you are doing, what you are wanting, what you know, and what you don't know.  I'd be happy to try to assist.
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