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Mass Data Recovery for bees

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J. Perrin

Sep 28, 2017, 1:49:14 AM9/28/17
to mementodatabase

I'm beekeeper. I use memento to follow my hives. Often I want add the same data for many hives (50 almost). Every hives have a barcode. I want a solution to scan and complete the first one and add others just by scanning.

Can you help me and my bees?? :)

Best regards

Bill Crews

Sep 28, 2017, 11:23:03 AM9/28/17
to mementodatabase
Consider keeping that data in a separate library. Perhaps you have Hives and something like Observations. Observations will likely have a date or date/time as the key (entry name) or part of it. Put the data, which should be stored only once. You can link back to the Hives the observation applies to. Or you could link in Hives to the observations, if that works better for you.

J. Perrin

Sep 28, 2017, 1:09:17 PM9/28/17
to mementodatabase


the data are used to assess colonies. I want see in my base all queen in live, feed...

i send my base by e mail.

Best regards
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