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Md Salauddin Firoz Safi

Feb 13, 2016, 12:20:23 PM2/13/16
to mementodatabase
it's an urgency to know the possibilty to view the database (or atleast database in memento cloude.) in web browser, if not can  suggest me to a service does that does edit, update, view in web browser beccause i don't want user bothering to download,install app someonejust to view it.

In memento when we follow the database llink, it shows to have memento, don't know what's the benifit to have a database access url, some eenthusiastic user lead me to do thingssuch , of ccourse if it free would bbe nice. eng is not prime lang so hope mistakes will be ignored.


Md Salauddin Firoz Safi

Feb 13, 2016, 1:01:12 PM2/13/16
to mementodatabase

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