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synchronize with team members according to criteria

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Horacio G

Nov 28, 2018, 5:14:57 PM11/28/18
to mementodatabase
Hi, I work with team plan. I need to make a library synchronize with each member, according to a criterion. For example, the library "client list" has a vendor for several clients. Each user of the team is a seller. I want the library of each team member to synchronize only with their clients

Henry Scott

Jan 12, 2020, 9:19:03 AM1/12/20
to mementodatabase
This would be a nice feature.
Maybe request that on the Memento User Voice site

Er Mo

Jan 12, 2020, 2:44:31 PM1/12/20
to mementodatabase
Verstehe ich das richtig . Sie haben eine Bibliothek ¨Kundenliste¨ in der sich alle Daten befinden. Von dieser Bibliothek wollen sie nun die Daten auf ihre Teammitglieder aufteilen. So dass das Teammitglied neue Daten in ihrer Datenbank hat. Wäre da nicht das Filtern nach Teammitgliedern eine Lösung. In der Bibliothek ¨Kundenliste¨ befindet sich ein Eintrag des Teammitgliedes nach dem gefiltert wird und somit nur die relevanten Einträge für dieses Teammitglied angezeigt werden. Das wäre eine einfache Lösung.

Hi there
Do I understand this in the right manner . You have a library "Customer List" in which all data is located. From this library they now want to split the data between their team members. So that the team member has new data in their database. Wouldn't filtering for team members be a solution. In the ¨Customer List¨ library there is an entry for the team member that is filtered and therefore only the relevant entries for this team member are displayed. That would be an easy solution
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