Editing/deleting filters

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Dec 24, 2017, 3:53:45 PM12/24/17
to mementodatabase
Hi, I've just started using Memento (on mobile) properly, but I'm having trouble with something, which should surely be very simple.  I have already figured out how to create filters using the right-hand panel, but how do you edit/delete them?  I've been round all the options/screens as far as I can tell, but can't find an option for this.  There also doesn't seem to be a straight forward explanation on the Wiki page.  Can anyone out there help?

Thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas!

Rick Jones

Dec 25, 2017, 3:11:25 AM12/25/17
to mementodatabase
Ah, one I can answer!

In the pull-out panel, tap the 3 dots to the right of "Filters", it's all there.

Have a good Christmas Day 😀

Bill Crews

Dec 25, 2017, 4:31:22 AM12/25/17
to mementodatabase
A longer answer. Thank you for asking; it was needed. Yes, the way filters are manipulated in the entries list screen is a bit convoluted, and the Filters section of the entries list screen wiki page is very brief and nonspecific. Let's fix that, and this message will be my first draft of that fix. PLEASE REPLY WITH CORRECTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT THIS DRAFT. I'll be adding it to the wiki shortly.

Here goes...

For the Mobile Edition of Memento, the Entries List screen utilizes a Right-side Toolbar for many of the functions related to "slicing & dicing", or data analysis. The Right-side Toolbar is always open partially on mobile devices with larger screens; on mobile devices with smaller screens, like most phones, the Right-side Toolbar is normally fully retracted. In either case, to fully extend the Right-side Toolbar, swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left; the toolbar will open as you drag.


Filtering on the Entries List screen is very powerful. A defined filter may be set for the screen overall (the Screen filter) or not, and the user may also set up tabs that appear across the top of the screen, each of which invokes a defined filter (a Tab filter). The user may set the Screen filter and a Tab filter concurrently, allowing the combined effect of two filters to operate simultaneously. All filters are defined in the same manner; it is the use of a filter for the screen or for a tab that makes it the Screen filter or a Tab filter.

The filter option has a button and a menu; on devices work larger screens, the button is always visible; on devices with smaller screens, the button is hidden along with the Filter menu.

The Filter button

Pressing the Filter button does one of two things. If there are as yet no defined filters, the user is prompted to create a new filter with a card allowing entry of a filter name. Once that is obtained, the user is presented with another card, this one to select the value(s) of filterable fields. Once the checkmark is pressed on this card, the filter is stored under the specified name, and it is activated, showing the filter name at the top of the screen (making it the current Screen filter) and showing the list of filtered entries.

If there are already some defined filters, pressing the button will display a list of those filters plus a "No filter" option. This allows the user to move between filters or turn off filtering.

The Filter menu

By fully opening the Right-side Toolbar, the user sees the current filter (a filter name or "No filter") within the Filter button and a 3-dot Filter menu icon. Pressing the icon opens the Filter menu.

At any time, there will be the following menu options: Create filter, Order, and Tabs.

Create filter - Selecting the Create filter option presents the user with the Filter Name card and the Filter Field Value card for a new filter.

Order - Selecting the Order option presents the user with the Filter Order card that shows a list of defined filters, with an icon on the left of each that can be grabbed and dragged up or down to set its new position among the filters.

Tabs - Selecting the Tabs iron presents the user with a Filter Tabs card, which lists the defined tabs plus another choice of an All tab. Each tab has a checkbox, and the checked options will be shown as tabs across the top of the screen once the checkmark is pressed.

If a filter has been selected as the Screen filter, 3 more options will also appear: Edit, Copy, and Delete.

Edit - Selecting the Edit option presents the user once again with the Filter Name card and the Filter Field Value card for the Screen filter, allowing the user to change any of these settings.

Copy - This option works like the Create filter option except that the name defaults to the name of the copied filter with "Copy " prepended to it, and the Filter Field Value card defaults to the same values as those of the copied filter. This allows quick construction is similar but different filters.

Delete - Selecting the Delete option presents the user with a Delete Confirmation card, showing the name of the Filter to be delayed and giving the user a chance to approve or disapprove the deletion.


It is generally a good idea to show the All tab to let users quickly return to the full, unfiltered list. However, doing that by selecting No filter from the Filter button also works, it's a matter of taste.

It is good practice to order the filters not to be on and Tabs ahead of those that will appear on tabs; this will make them more accessible and less confusing for selection via the Filter button.

It is important for users to keep in mind that the Screen filter works concurrently with Tab filters, so to return to an unfiltered list, the All tab must be selected and the Screen filter must be set to No filter.


Dec 25, 2017, 5:14:24 PM12/25/17
to mementodatabase
Thanks Bill, that's a big help, easy when you know how. :-)  Hope you're having a great Christmas!


Dec 31, 2017, 8:48:04 AM12/31/17
to mementodatabase
I didn't read your whole message, but maybe it should be added to the wiki?

Bill Crews

Dec 31, 2017, 9:46:16 AM12/31/17
to Craig, mementodatabase
Already has been.
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