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Send email through my gmail account

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Benny Kaye

Oct 14, 2018, 4:10:54 PM10/14/18
to mementodatabase
The mail() object is a fairly recent, and welcome, addition to Memento. It utilizes a config object with fileds for SMTP host, port, username and password. However, I want to use Gmail, which requires TLS. I get an error that it cannot be translated to TLS.

Odd thing is that it does seem to run on the phone. My issue is on the PC version. Any solutions or suggestions?

Bill Crews

Oct 14, 2018, 5:09:25 PM10/14/18
to Benny Kaye, mementodatabase
Here's what I received on this from the developer. I hope it helps...

email() method supports TLS.
But the client doesn't support 2-step verification, therefore you must create an app-password for it:

I've checked to send email from Gmail with following config:
var cfg = {"host" : "" , "port":587, 
"user":"" , "pass":"the app password" ,
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