Requesting bug fix for Line Chart issue when multiple Series are present

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Dan Cox

May 20, 2017, 3:48:41 PM5/20/17
to mementodatabase
See attached screenshot.

There is a bug in the line chart feature that occurs when charting data containing multiple series values.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a library with at least one "single choice list" datatype field, one currency datatype field and one date datatype field
  2. Create 2 records (one right after the other), selecting the same value in the "single choice list" field and populate the currency fields with any currency values
  3. Create 1 record, selecting a different value in the "single choice list" field and populate the currency field with any currency value
  4. Create 1 record, selecting the same value in the "single choice list" field as was used in step 2 (above) and populate the currency field with any currency value
  5. Create 2 records (one right after the other), selecting the same value in the "single choice list" field as was used in step 3 (above) and populate the currency fields with any currency values
  6. Create a "line" chart of these records, specifying:
  • the date datatype field as the "Axis X" 
  • "No grouping" 
  • "Continous axis"
  • your "single choice list" field as the series field
  • the currency field as your "Axis Y" field
  • the Function of "Sum"

Expected result:
  • Each data point dot on a SINGLE-series chart should be connected by a line.
  • Each data point dot on a MULTI-series chart should be connected by a line of the color that represents that series

Actual result:

  • Each data point dot on a SINGLE-series chart should be connected by a line. See attached screenshot. 
  • When the graph contains MULTI-series data, then only some of the data points on the chart are connected by a line while others are not.  The records that were created consecutively (one right after the other), having the same value in the series field, will be represented on the graph by dots (data points) connected by lines, while consecutive records who's series value vary, will not have any lines joining the dots on the "line graph".  See attached screenshot.
SINGLE-Series Line Chart 2017-05-20-12-12-09.png
MULTI-Series Line Chart 2017-05-20-12-12-09.png

Bill Crews

May 20, 2017, 4:03:18 PM5/20/17
to mementodatabase
I hope the developers see this. If you haven't already done it, please send it to, so they can try to fix it.
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