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I lost access to 500 PDF files

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Tomasz K.

Dec 3, 2017, 5:21:10 AM12/3/17
to mementodatabase
I lost access to over 500 PDF files.
In the mobile version I have the following message:
"The file is not in the cloud yet"
In Google Sheet, in the field where the file address should be:
On the main "account / mobile phone" I have the beta version 4.4.4 installed.
But on another account, I have version 4.3.7. And it's the same there.
Theoretically, it is possible to fix it in a few hours. But you have to rename all 500 files. Then the files are transferred to the cloud.
I do not know when this bug was created. I do not know if this is due to the new beta version. Or a bug in Memento Cloud ...
Please, help me.

Bill Crews

Dec 3, 2017, 5:39:56 AM12/3/17
to Tomasz K., mementodatabase
Maybe someone here can help you, but not me. This is one I'd suggest sending to Just include all versions, platforms, cloud info, filenames, etc that you can think of. He just might get back to you.

Also, though I'm not one of them, there are folks that do a lot of files, whether barcodes, audio, video, photos, PDFs, or other types. Read & search the forum for their posts.

Tomasz K.

Dec 3, 2017, 6:10:14 AM12/3/17
to mementodatabase

I have already sent a message for support.
Admin, he may be busy with other things and may not have time for a problem like mine. Sometimes someone has already had contact with something like that and maybe he has an idea ...
Maybe it's not a bug in Memento ... maybe I'm doing something wrong ;).
And seriously ...
I reported to the admin some problems ... and I am waiting for a response.
I know that, I pay little for access to the cloud over which I don't have control and can not correct what has happened to my files.
Memento Private Server is too expensive for me. That is why I am waiting patiently for the moment when the admin will have time for me ...

Tomasz K.

Dec 3, 2017, 7:42:29 AM12/3/17
to mementodatabase

Maybe do not check the forum thoroughly but I have not found an easy solution to this problem.
I can uninstall the beta application. Install the version from the Play store. Restore from backup and "have" hope that it will work.
But I already did it on another mobile phone ... It does not work.
The library is being updated to this day and the problem is coming back.
I can not do it in the main account because all changes made in the period of about 2 weeks will be deleted. And there were a lot of them.
Before you update everything, it works properly.
I have a choice:
    Wait for the admin and his will to check what happened ...
    The next several hours change the names of files and re-add them to the database. Only if it makes sense? The problem can come back.
That's why I overdid it with a comment. Excuse me.
I'm angry.


Dec 9, 2017, 3:13:02 PM12/9/17
to mementodatabase
Hello, that is not good news, this is a library with a lite payment plan ? . I am wondering if I take time to store my important data with memento, if it is possible to have losses (it happened yet to me with other android databases) .

For me, I use a Galaxy 6 edge, do not remind Android version, but the base stops working really often, while I want to have pictures inserted that I take at the moment I make the recording. Sometime it works, now I prefer to save the incomplete record, reopen it to add the pics but still it shut down really often. I cannot spend so much time just to document my work (the goal) .I opened a lite plan but will shut down, not upgrade, it if I find no solution to avoid those many shut downs, and if there are not enough reactions from the developers.


Tomasz K.

Dec 9, 2017, 3:42:56 PM12/9/17
to mementodatabase
I have a Pro version with an additional package in Memento Cloud.
  It happened to me the first time. So far everything worked well.
I contacted the admin. All the time he checks what could have caused this "failure".
I know from experience that backup and copy, backup is what you should always have copied;)
Generally, it's a good application (version for a mobile phone). He has a few unfinished details but Vasiliy is trying to improve it. Desktop version - there is still a lot to improve.

olivier cappelaere

Dec 10, 2017, 8:00:45 AM12/10/17
to mementodatabase
Hello Thomasz

I think I have got a similar problem !
I have lost about 500 images from my database. I don't know what it the origin of that !

Have you get back your PDF Files


Tomasz K.

Dec 10, 2017, 8:33:08 AM12/10/17
to mementodatabase

Hi Olivier.
Not yet. I have a problem all the time.

At some point the path to this file in the cloud has changed.
This incorrect is:
When I restored the backup data to another device, until the library did not synchronize with the cloud, I had access to these files.
The files are still in the cloud, only the path is invalid.
If I delete the file on the main device and add it again and it has the same name as the previous one ... On the next device I have the message that:
The file has not yet been uploaded to the cloud:
When I change file name. The file immediately appears as available in the cloud on any device.
I do not remember at the moment how many of these files I found this error, but at the moment the cloud says that I have these files 3354.
I know that it was over 900MB and the cloud says that at the moment there is 856,4MB.

I was looking for a solution from my side and I was able to determine that:
1. Clearing applications and downloading data from the cloud does not restore files.
2. Deleting a file and adding it again does not change the status in the cloud. As if the file path had a lock. The application does not send the file to the cloud.
3. Renaming the file and adding it as a new file - it works. (new path?)
4. Adding a file (with the old name) on another device - works. (new path?)
5. Restoring the application from a backup copy on another device with cloud sync disabled. The links work and download files from the cloud. After synchronization with the cloud. Links do not work.
I suppose the files are still in the cloud. And you can find them by giving the correct link to the file. :)

If I want to open files via the application, I get this message:

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