Linux development is lacking...?

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Miguel Niblock

Jul 14, 2019, 2:13:30 AM7/14/19
to mementodatabase
Hi! I'm in love with Memento after trying it on Android. I now downloaded the Linux desktop version and find it unusable due to display issues. The screen doesn't open in accordance with my hi-dpi settings, and thus, fonts and elements appear too small for normal usage.

- Does this have to do with the application being a binary?
- Is there a way to fix the display issue?
- Is there anybody out there actually using the linux version? Are you also having this issue?

Im running Linux Mint 19, on a Thinkpad T470s, with the Cinnamon DE.


Bill Crews

Jul 30, 2019, 7:23:14 AM7/30/19
to Miguel Niblock, mementodatabase
I'm just a user and don't use either Linux or hi-dpi, but I'm guessing this is a question of the Java Virtual Machine you're using on your Linux machine. It apparently doesn't understand hi-dpi. Maybe there's another JVM that does? You might look around for that.
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