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Creating variables for entries invisible to the user

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Aayush Arya

Jun 6, 2020, 9:05:03 AM6/6/20
to mementodatabase

I have been working on creating a full featured CRM and project management solution for my business based entirely on Memento Database and it is proving to be a blast. Not only am I able to do pretty much everything exactly as I intended, it is so much fun to script this thing via JavaScript!

I have a few questions though, if someone could answer:

1. Is there any way to get the script to trigger if the user updates the status from the card or list entry view, without editing the entry?

2. Can I create a variable associated with an entry that I can later access, without it being visible to the user? My databases are becoming littered with checkboxes (screenshot attached) to track the state of various bits and pieces, and I would love to keep that clutter away from the user’s eyes.

3. On a related note, say I want to create a read-only ‘Status’ text field that is editable solely through the script. Is that possible to do?


Ernst Moser

Jun 6, 2020, 2:16:39 PM6/6/20
to mementodatabase
Zu 1 : Man kann ein Skript Auslösen wenn die Eintragsansichtskarte geöffnet wird oder wenn die Sammlung geöffnet wirt .

Zu 2 : Ich verwende dazu ein Einzelauswahlliste ( "Stufe" )  das die Einträge 1,2,3 hatt . Die Felder die Nimand sehen soll , sind nur dann Sichtbar wenn die Zahl in Feld " Stufe " 3 ist . Damit man das Feld " Stufe " nicht Sieht , habe ich ein 2 Feld ( " Sichtbar ") mit den Eintrag " ja " und "nein " . Diese Feld ist dann Sichbar wenn " Stufe " dan Werd "3" hat und das Feld " Stufe " ist dann Sichbar wenn das Feld " Sichtbar " denn Werd " ja " hat . So können beite Felder Unsichtbas sein und man kann auf keines Zugreifen . Somit kann man sie nicht Sichtbar machen . Um selber auf die Felder zuzugreifen zu können muss mit einen Skript das Feld " Stufe " auf "3" gestellt werden . Dazu neme ich eine 2 Datenbank in der die Zahl gespeichert wird . Öffne ich einen Eintrag wird die Zahl von der 2 Datenbank gelesen und in Feld  " Stufe " geschriben . Habe ich in der 2 Datenbank die Zahl" 1" stehen so sind die Felder Unsichbar , habe ich jedoch die Zahl " 3 " so sind sie Sichbar . Jeder Benützer hat seine eigene " 2 Datenbank " auf den Handy und die Eigentliche Datenbank kann mit jeden synchronisirt werden .

Ich hoffe das sie meinen Ausfürungen folgenkönnen . sonst noch mal Fragen .

1: You can trigger a script when the entry postcard is opened or when the collection is opened.

To 2: I use a single selection list ("level") that has the entries 1,2,3. The fields that Nimand should see are only visible if the number in field "level" is 3. So that you do not see the field "level", I have a 2 field ("visible") with the entry "yes" and "no". This field is then visible if "level" has become "3" and the field "level" is visible if the field "visible" has become "yes". So both fields can be invisible and you cannot access them. So you can't make them visible. In order to be able to access the fields yourself, the field "Level" must be set to "3" with a script. For this I name a database in which the number is stored. If I open an entry, the number is read from the 2 database and written in the "Level" field. If I have the number "1" in the 2 database, the fields are invisible, but if I have the number "3" they are visible. Each user has his own "2 database" on the cell phone and the actual database can be synchronized with everyone.

I hope you can follow my instructions. any other questions.


Jun 7, 2020, 6:40:50 AM6/7/20
to mementodatabase

For field type 'JavaScript' And 'Calculation' it's possible to set 'Display as' to 'hidden field'.

I don't know if this helps in your case, but just a smal tip.

Bill Crews

Jun 9, 2020, 10:21:33 PM6/9/20
to Amundsf, mementodatabase
Yes, and after conversation with the developer, I think it is very likely that the Hidden radio button will be extended from the JavaScript & Calculation fields to all, or probably all, other fields. I added probably because there could be some field type that could be a special case, but I can't think of one. I never hear when such things will be released to us.
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Aayush Arya

Jun 10, 2020, 12:38:33 PM6/10/20
to mementodatabase
Thanks. I think I was able to follow that, but it's too complicated for what I want to achieve. It would be easier to restrict permissions for other users instead. But that's definitely not the ideal solution. 

So, essentially, I cannot do any of the three things I asked as of right now? Got it. I'll figure out workarounds. 

I do have another question: say I start creating an entry in a linked library from the linking entry, so that the entry is automatically linked when the entry creating card comes up. 

Is there any way for me to get the value of the field where that other entry is linked? I hope I was able to explain this…
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