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How can I get an User Input while running a script?

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Frank Wittkowski

Jan 16, 2018, 3:02:16 PM1/16/18
to mementodatabase
Hi all,
does anybody know a method, a user can be asked for input in the middle of a script?
Some examples:
1. Most Data is copied from another dataset. But one field should be filled by the user.
2. After a message the user should decide to go one way or another.

A simple "Input Dialoge" parsing the user input into a variable for further use would be all I need.
But I don't find something like that.

The only possibility I found is using arguments when an action script starts running.
Problems with this is:
- the default value for the argument can only be a fixed value.
- the main script has to call the action script with the arguments and I don't know how one script can call another.

My last idea is, an action script does the first part of the job, then the user adds the data in the normal editing page and the exit trigger does the rest after saving .
But here I don't know, how an action script is able to open the new record in editing mode. Open() does not seam to work here.

Thanks for any hint.

Bill Crews

Jan 16, 2018, 3:27:17 PM1/16/18
to Frank Wittkowski, mementodatabase
As you are currently constructing the requirement, I believe there is no way to do it. If you could, it might be with using the Intent object to make something happen in Android.

When this kind of thing happens, sometimes one finds that this is not the only way to do it. Perhaps you could broaden your approach.

But maybe not. Memento doesn't work this way.
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