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Printing Forms in Win10 not possible - "gc overhead limit exceeded"

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Christian Haubitz-Reinke

Apr 22, 2020, 6:37:52 AM4/22/20
to mementodatabase
Hi, i use MEMENTO with a database about some repair projects.
For each entry i have some picture-fields, which i fill directly from smartphone or tablet.

The Win10 Application i use only for printing purposes.
This is actually not possible, because i get a error message after a very long period of wait-time:

Cannot generate report from the template.
GC overhead limit exceeded

Google means, tis is a special Java message acc. to internal Garbage Collection methods - but as a user i can't change anything, correct?

What could i do?

Christian Haubitz-Reinke

Apr 22, 2020, 6:41:03 AM4/22/20
to mementodatabase
If i generate a duplicate from my entry and delete some pictures - til every field contains only one picture - it will do the print command.
But what can i do, if i want to have more than one picture per field?

Ernst Moser

Apr 22, 2020, 1:27:25 PM4/22/20
to mementodatabase
Es ist in der Desktop version möglich eigene " Druckberichte " zu erstellen. Erfordert aber kenntnisse für die Programmirung . Anderer Versuch wäre den Datensatz in eine PDF datei zu exportieren .

In the desktop version it is possible to create your own "print reports". But requires knowledge for programming. Another attempt would be to export the data set to a PDF file.

Christian Haubitz-Reinke

Apr 22, 2020, 4:18:12 PM4/22/20
to mementodatabase
Danke für die Antwort!

Ja, die PDF Druckfunktion per Android ist mein aktueller Workaround.
Allerdings sind die Formularfunktionen der Desktopversion schon sehr wichtig, da hier Felder an- und abgewählt werden können.

Für meine Reparaturlisten habe ich verschiedene Druckformulare, mal für vor der Reparatur, andere für danach als Dokumentation bzw. für Kunden oder für mich. Da in der Android-Version immer alle Felder exportiert werden, passt das nicht sehr gut.

Die Formulargestaltung über die Jaspersoft-Software-Reports habe ich früher schon aufgegeben. Bin zwar nicht ganz blöd, aber dafür hatte ich nicht die Zeit zur Einarbeitung. Da stimmt für mich dann der Aufwand/Nutzen nicht mehr.

Thanks for the answer!

Yes, the PDF print function via Android is my current workaround.
However, the form functions of the desktop version are already very important, because here you can select and deselect fields.

For my repair lists I have different print forms, some for before the repair, others for afterwards as documentation or for customers or for me. Since in the Android version all fields are always exported, this does not fit very well.

I gave up the form design about the Jaspersoft software reports earlier. I'm not completely stupid, but I didn't have the time to get used to it. Then the effort and benefit is no longer right for me.

Translated with (free version)

Am Mittwoch, 22. April 2020 12:37:52 UTC+2 schrieb Christian Haubitz-Reinke:

Ernst Moser

Apr 23, 2020, 2:24:29 PM4/23/20
to mementodatabase
Das Problem mit den nicht erwünschten Feldern lässt sich mit einem Script lösen. Es wird einfach in einer zweiten Bibliothek die Felder kopiert die ich haben möchte und so kann die zweite Bibliothek dann vollständig als PDF ausgegeben werden. Dieses kann mit allen gewünschten Formen (vor der Reparatur, nach der Reparatur) gemacht werden.

Kevin Osborne

Apr 24, 2020, 7:13:29 AM4/24/20
to mementodatabase
I often get this issue. It appears to happen when the program tries to use your ram or system memory or available memeory to java to create the pdf or print files, and with photos this memory often gets exceeded or corrupts. I don't know they technical reason for the failure and I have been unable to fix it myself. I have had to resort to printing or creating a pdf with no photos, then downloading them. Not ideal at all.

Bill Crews

May 4, 2020, 3:29:12 AM5/4/20
to Christian Haubitz-Reinke, mementodatabase
I would double-check the installs on both devices, starting with the PC. Make sure it's current and that the Java install matches that on the download page at With Windows, you can ensure this by installing with the Windows installer rather than from separate Windows & Java zip files.

If that doesn't fix it, check for any update on your mobile device. If that doesn't work, contact the developer at, including all info you can think of, like OS version on both, app version on both, anything about the file system, precise error message, screenshots, the last button you pushed, etc. He may want you to send him a log file. If so, he'll tell you how to send it.
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