Memento CAN be used as a relational database. The relational way to do this would be to use two libraries: Sites (or whatever) and Inspections. Sites would include info about each site, and Inspections would include at least the date of inspection and possibly other info, like inspector, findings, etc. To implement this, you'd define a one-to-many link to entry field in Inspections to identify the site that was inspected.
Memento has other capabilities, though, and one of them is many-to-many relationships. It's not relational, but instead of a link field in Inspections, you could define a many-to-many link to entry field called Inspections in the Sites library to the Inspections library.
That's mostly it, but if you really don't want to record inspection data other than the dates, and you don't want to set up an Inspections library just for that, you could use an Action to help you maintain a text field containing inspection days separated by commas (or whatever). One big problem with that is that you need to know some JavaScript. The other is that you're on your own with that data. Memento doesn't know what you're doing in that field, and all its features won't be much help to you with it -- features like sorting, grouping, filtering, charting, aggregation, and on and on.