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Adding a field to the sort box

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Christine Williams

Nov 15, 2019, 9:52:43 PM11/15/19
to mementodatabase
Hello, total newbie at this this so please be patient!

I want to add a field to the sort box in my library.  When I open the sort dialog box, there is nowhere for me to add  anything. I was sort of expecting there to be an 'add field' button or something. 

How do I add the field I want to the sort box? It's frustrating me immensely!!

Thank you!

Er Mo

Nov 16, 2019, 11:47:28 AM11/16/19
to mementodatabase
Meinst du Sortieren ( nach Alter / der älterste zuerst angezeigt ) oder meinst du Filter ( alle anzeigen die über 30 Jahre sind ) .
Beim Sortieren kann man " Sortieren mit mehreren Feldern " einschalten .
Beim Filter können Filter hinzugefügt werden .

Do you mean sorting (by age / the oldest one first) or do you mean filter (all showing more than 30 years).
When sorting, you can turn on "sort with multiple fields".
Filters can be added to the filter.
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