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Re-establishing Google Syncing deletes all photos.

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Aaron Dahl

Mar 25, 2019, 11:50:12 PM3/25/19
to mementodatabase

I have been using Memento for a couple years now, but cannot figure out what it is doing when syncing with Google Sheets. 

Last week, my phone suddenly stopped charging I had to return the phone with no way of retrieving the information on it. I got a new phone and proceeded to install MDB. Fortunately, all the critical libraries are stored in the Memento cloud and the photos are also stored there (I thought). Downloaded the databases and proceeded to re-establish my Google Sheet linking. Ran the sync with the option to “Transfer data from the Memento to Google Sheets”. (We consider the Google Sheet the backup to the Memento Database, right??). I had linked to the same Existing Sheet I had sync’d with the data before. I noticed in Google Sheets the existing Memento ID numbers were immediately cleared as the phone began to replace with what appeared to be the same data (assigning new Memento IDs, but did not appear to replace the many Image links). Once it was all done, I was dismayed to realize that every single photo (over 900) in the app was gone and when we select a record - in the Android app it just gives me a “IO_ERROR within Google Sheets, if I click on the link, I receive the following

Concurrent with this event, I noticed the Cloud Storage went from something like 600 MB to 55 MB - clearly data on our account was deleted somewhere in this process.

Hoping someone can shed some light on this so we can better protect our data in the future and avoid this happening again.


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