Let's play Tag!

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Tony G

Jan 27, 2018, 9:01:58 PM1/27/18
to mementodatabase
I dunno about you but I hate to hunt too much for information. So the first thing I'm doing here is to help add Tags to your forum posts.
A tag provides a way to categorize content so that it can be found more easily in a search.

I don't want to go too crazy with this but I've been adding to the list of standard tags that we can use, and I've been going back to start tagging existing posts. Over time, with more and more content tagged, this will allow us all to find information more quickly so that we can get on with our database challenges, and it should help to eliminate some duplicate posts here.

Of course that only works if people actually use tags on their posts, and if people search for topics using tags:

To tag your posts:
- Look at the bottom of the text area when entering a new post here. You cannot tag someone else's post or a response to a post.
- Select 1 to 3 tags from the list. 5 are allowed but I'd like to reserve extra tagging for larger discussions that really do have more content.
- We'll re-tag posts, and add new tags to the list as required.

To search:
- Look at the top of the main forum page to find "Tags".
- You can also see tags applied to individual posts if you are using the Standard or Detail view for the Google Groups page.
- If you click one of those tags on a discussion, you'll jump to the list of all posts currently associated with that tag. (No, I don't know a way yet to filter with multiple tags.)

Please be patient as new tags get created to categorize older threads. This is a manual process and I only have so much time - but I'm willing to do it! :)
Also, please forgive differences of opinion if you'd prefer a topic to be something like "date_fields" rather than "dates". Decisions are being made on the fly and it's tough to go back and change, so let's work with whatever we have and try to make changes later.

We'll be adding cross-references like this to the wiki too, all in the name of providing faster access to information we can all use.

If you have questions about how to add, find, or use Google Groups Tags, please Google for answers so that we aren't providing support for Google Groups here, thanks.


Tony G

Jan 27, 2018, 11:38:20 PM1/27/18
to memento...@googlegroups.com
On Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 6:01:58 PM UTC-8, Tony G wrote:
> (No, I don't know a way yet to filter with multiple tags.)

Correction! Here's how:

Do a search from the forum header like this:
tag:spreadsheet AND tag:export AND tag:javascript

- I've read that AND is default, OR is required, but don't leave it to chance, be explicit with AND/OR.
- Note the options it gives you:
----- You can search in this mementodatabase group. (Select this one)
----- You can search for topics with that text. (Not what we're looking for)
----- You can search other groups. (Again, not what we want)
----- You can search for groups with that name. (Really now?)

You can use standard Google syntax to refine your search, like:
tag:spreadsheet AND NOT (tag:export OR tag:javascript)

If you are looking for topics with a tag that has a dash or underscore, enclose just the tag name in quotes!
tag:"entry-view-card" OR tag:"entry_count"

Yes, there's some inconsistency with dashes and underscores, I might change that by the time some of you read this.

Now ... go back to your posts and tag um! :)

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