The formula of a calculated field using a date returns a different value on the desktop than on a tablet.
substring(formatDate(#{birthday}),length(formatDate(#{birthday})) - 4,length(formatDate(#{birthday}))) + switch(trim(substring(formatDate(#{birthday}),indexOf(formatDate(#{birthday}),' ',0),indexOf(formatDate(#{birthday}),' ',3))),'January','01','February','02','March','03','April','04','May','05','June','06','July','07','August','08','September','09','October','10','November','11','12') + switch(length(trim(substring(formatDate(#{birthday}),0,2))),1, concat('0', trim(substring(formatDate(#{birthday}),0,2))) ,substring(formatDateTime(#{birthday}),0,2)) + substring('#{cell phone number}',7,10)
What is very funny is that in the one library it displays incorrectly (see Returns on Desktop above) when used as a Calculated field, but when a linked library is using the same field through a reference formula of substring('#{visitors.bpsa member number}',0,11) it displays correctly on the desktop in the other Libray that is linked (see Returns on Tablet above)
On the Tablet it returns the correct value ((see Returns on Tablet above) in BOTH Libraries