%FP variation using the same motifs and control sequence with SEA

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César Martínez

Jun 18, 2024, 1:18:18 PMJun 18
to MEME Suite Q&A
Hi, I'm using Meme Suite to discover overrepresented motifs in a set of 5 genes upregulated in my experimental condition. My workflow was:
  1. Search for motifs de novo: Using xstreme, I use as a Primary Sequences the 3 kbp previous from ATG for the 5 genes and as a Negative Control 10.000 random generated sequences of 3 kbp long from the reference genome. The command was: xstreme --p promotors3kbp.fasta --n 3000bp.random.fasta --minw 6 --maxw 10 --streme-nmotifs 10 --meme-nmotifs 10
  2. Motif enrichment: Using the 20 predicted motifs in the last step, the same Negative Control (3000bp.random.fasta) and as Primary sequences all the 3 kbp nucleotides previous to ATG from all the genes of the genome. I did this step to ensure if my motifs were overrepresented in the whole genome. The command was: sea --p 3kbpALLgenesPromotors.fasta --m Motifs_deNovo_CNRand.meme --n 3000bp.random.fasta
I found my motifs enriched in a lot of genes, but I don't understad why If I'm using the same Negative Control in both analysis I'm obtaining a very different values of False Positives. In the SEA output of the de novo analysis the %FP is very low and in the motif enrichment analysis (2 using the predicted motifs) the %FP is very high. I thought that the reason could be the hold out set (because in 1 there is not enough sequence for the hold out) but I set --hofract 0.0 in the motif enrichment and I obtained very similar results.

Am I doing my analysis correctly, and is my negative control good enough to achieve my objective?

Why are these differences in %FP observed?

 My files are in dropbox

Thank you very much in advance

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Jun 19, 2024, 5:25:15 PMJun 19
to MEME Suite Q&A

SEA is working as designed.

Given primary and control sets of sequences, SEA finds the
score threshold for a given motif that maximizes the statistical
significance (minimizes the unadjusted p-value).  This threshold
will depend on the primary sequences as well the control
sequences.  The false positive percentage (FP%) will also depend on
both sets of sequences because it depends on the score threshold.

This is the explanation for your observation that using a very large
set of primary sequences resulted in a higher FP%.  If you compare
the score thresholds for motif STREME-1, you will notice that it is
lower with the large primary set compared to the small primary set.
Since the control set is the same, a lower threshold implies a
higher FP%.

Hope this helps,

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