Hi, I was reading about LRU lock a bit and have a question regarding item_cachedump
unsigned int id = slabs_clsid;
id |= COLD_LRU;
1. Why in this code we're binary adding COLD_LRU, while for example in lru_crawler's code we're just using slab class IDs. This way other threads are able to access locked resources, is that correct?
uint32_t hv = hash(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey);
void *hold_lock = NULL;
if ((hold_lock = item_trylock(hv)) == NULL) {
if (refcount_incr(it) == 2) {
Is it still correct way to lock an item so it can be safely read?
3. for the item_cachedump I found this comment
/* This is walking the line of violating lock order, but I think it's safe.
* If the LRU lock is held, an item in the LRU cannot be wiped and freed.
* The data could possibly be overwritten, but this is only accessing the
* headers.
* It may not be the best idea to leave it like this, but for now it's safe.
Why it may violate lock order when we have only single lock acquired in this function? IS there some doc about correct (updated) lock order, the one in sources seems outdated...