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memcached-windows installation issue

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Jul 24, 2022, 5:33:07 PM7/24/22
to memcached
Hi guys
I am a newbie to Memcached.
I want to use since this seems the easiest way to install Memcached in Windows OS without too many other requirements. My end goal is to use Memcached with my other C++-based Windows OS application developments.
The readme file indicates there should be an exe that existed in the codebase, but there is no exe can be found. Did anyone use memcached-windows before? I am assuming maybe i need to build exe myself but there is no documentation can be found in memcahed-windows at all. please help~


Voman Kumar

Aug 12, 2022, 11:40:23 AM8/12/22
to memcached
Hi All,

Is there any updates on this.
How can we setup the Memcached for working with C++ over windows.
Any blog or any reference will be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Voman Kumar

Jefty Negapatan

Aug 12, 2022, 12:03:27 PM8/12/22
to memcached

The latest pre-built binaries can be found here:
Unfortunately, it's already outdated and I haven't had the time to merge the latest upstream, v1.6.16 as of this time.

For some docs like how to build which is also outdated (e.g. still refers to bintray for static deps), you can refer to
You should still be able to build it without using static deps, build all from source including deps.

Hope this helps.


Bert 126

Nov 28, 2022, 6:15:23 AM11/28/22
to memcached
Hi @jefty,

Excellent initiative to have ported Memcached natively on Windows! Many thanks. 

I have tested it on a DEV machine and it is really faster than the v1.4.4 which was previously available everywhere. 

However, I can't get your version to run on our Windows server as a service (Windows Server 16 Standard). 

memcached -d install does not work and no error message, no result. 
Do you have any idea where to look for?

Thank you.
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