Shaded kryo

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Bruce Ritchie

Jan 27, 2017, 10:35:27 AM1/27/17
to memcached-session-manager
Hi all,

First, much appreciate the work put into this project! I'm just getting started with testing it in the new system arch I'm helping implement into AWS and so far it seems to work as advertised.

Has there been any thought put into potential conflicts between the version of kryo the msm depends on and potentially different versions within webapps under tomcat 8.0? My understanding is that libraries under /lib are shared (parent classloader or similar) into the classloader(s) used to load jars in webapp/WEB-INF/lib. I'm hesitant to push the latest msm version because of potential kryo conflicts (and it's dependencies such as asm, etc) between 4.0.0 and earlier versions.

A shaded kryo dependency might be a good solution to this potential issue. I saw there is a shaded kryo jar in the kryo project but that one just shades it's asm dependency, not kryo itself.



Martin Grotzke

Jan 28, 2017, 11:39:11 AM1/28/17
to memcached-session-manager

Hi Bruce,

you're right, if the application uses a different kryo version this will cause issues. It should be possible that msm provides msm-kryo-serializer with shaded kryo (and dependencies). Do you want to submit a pull request?



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Bruce Ritchie

Jan 31, 2017, 8:50:00 AM1/31/17
to memcached-session-manager
Thanks for the reply Martin. I'll try and find some time to put together a pom that shades kryo and dependencies and submit a pull request. Hopefully in the next week or two :)

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