Question regarding Home page of Membrane Registry web application

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Franky D

May 30, 2011, 7:22:59 PM5/30/11

First, this product seems pretty cool! Thanks for you work!

Ok, here is my problem:   I just installed the "Membrane Lightweight Service Registry" on Weblogic (with Derby database), and was able to access the application and register my first WSDL.

The problem however is with the home page! It does not show the WSDL table with their status and everything; it only displays a general "Grails" web page as follow:

Welcome to Grails

Congratulations, you have successfully started your first Grails application! At the moment this is the default page, feel free to modify it to either redirect to a controller or display whatever content you may choose. Below is a list of controllers that are currently deployed in this application, click on each to execute its default action:



And if I "hardcode" the url to go to http://<my_server_ip>/<membrane_app_context>/registry, as it is indicated on your website, I receive a server error like if it was a bad address.
Do you have any clues/ideas to fix this and get the same home page as your online demo??

Thank you!

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