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Error Concurrent connection limit

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Rodrigo Gutierrez

Dec 23, 2020, 8:34:25 AM12/23/20
to membrane-monitor

I need your collaboration if you can give it to me, I am doing load tests .. I have the configuration of a serviceproxy for REST services and when the number of more than 32 concurrent requests on the membrane arrives, an http 429 appears. In the memroute.log it appears HttpEndpointListener: 130 - Concurrent connection limit reached for IP: and Connection to ip: 9322 refused. No matter what configuration you use. (only target, load balancer  robinroundRobinStrategy, load balancer byThreadStrategy ) after 32 requests it stops responding. I have tried with versions 4.6 to 4.7.3 the result is the same in all.

I appreciate if possible you can help me or tell me if there is a configuration parameter that allows increasing the number of membrane requests

PTESA 2020

Tobias Polley

Dec 25, 2020, 7:37:31 AM12/25/20
to membrane-monitor
Hi Rodrigo,

<transport concurrentConnectionLimitPerIp="60" ...>...</transport>
you can adjust the limit of TCP connections Membrane Service Proxy accepts for incoming HTTP requests. (Note that " target, load balancer  robinroundRobinStrategy, load balancer byThreadStrategy" all refer to logic concerning outgoing HTTP requests.)

Please refer to conf/proxies-full-sample.xml or on how to include <transport> into your configuration (and copy all sub-elements from there), if your proxies.xml does not already include it.

Best, Tobias
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