Happy New Year and UPDATE

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Direk Limmathurotsakul

Jan 11, 2024, 3:37:33 AMJan 11
to melio...@googlegroups.com

Dear everyone,


Happy New Year! I am so sorry for being disappear.

I would like to take this opportunity to update you all about melioidosis.info


[1] 3rd South Asian Melioidosis Congress (SAMC) – 2023 went very well. Many of us participated and we were so impressed. The meeting was organized very well, and the works had a big impact to the locals and local policy makers. It’s one of the best meetings that I went to.


[2] Prof. Lovely Barai and melioidosis network in Bangladesh generated a VDO about melioidosis in Bangladesh for the meeting. Thanks to Prof. Barai, she posted it on YouTube (open-access) and allow us to post the link on the www.melioidosis.info website so that people can access it easily. We hope that it will be useful to everyone as much as possible.


Here is the link: https://youtu.be/L3RAWpDFsbM


Below is how it looks like on www.melioidosis.info website. Please feel free to check the VDO and use it as you see fit CC-BY.


[3] Please don’t forget that we are having WMC X – 2024 (not WMC Twitter, per se) in Darwin Australia, 21-23 October 2024. However, please don’t book your flight yet. Mark will inform more details including pre-/post-congress workshops soon (then you can start booking your flights).


[4] Again, we have to look for the host of WMC XI (11th). Therefore, any team from any country that would like to host WMC XI, please email me di...@tropmedres.ac and Rabbi  master...@hotmail.com your intention by 30th April 2024 (just a short email “we want to …” is fine to start with). International Melioidosis Network will process the applications as per protocol.


Thank you very much.


Kind regards,






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