Locally Acquired Melioidosis Linked to Environment — Mississippi, 2020–2023 | NEJM
Thanking you,
With Kind regards,
Prasanta R Mohapatra, MD, FAMS, FRCP(London), FRCP (Glasg), FACP(USA), FCCP(USA), FIDSA(USA), ATSF(USA), FICS, FICP, FAPSR
Dean (Academic)
Professor of Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care,
AII India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar -751019, India
PubMed publications: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/prasanta%20raghab.mohapatra.1/bibliography/public/
Contact (Emergency) Cell:+91- 9438884288
Alfredo G. Torres, PhD., M.S.
The Herman Barnett Distinguished Professor in Microbiology and Immunology
Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and and Professional Development
University of Texas Medical Branch.
(409) 747 0189; Fax (409)747 6869
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