Exhibition St protected lanes

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Nik Dow

2019年5月1日 22:01:312019/5/1
收件人 Melbourne BUG
Agenda for next Tuesday's Council committee meeting is up including:
6.5 Exhibition Street Bicycles Lanes 6.5
Details of the recommendation will be posted by 1400h Friday.

We need lots of submissions to show support for protected lanes in Exhibition St. Deadline is midday Monday, later submissions to 1000h Tuesday are possible but aren't included in the Cr brief.
Support the protected lanes in Exhibition street here:

We are hoping to get this information out on a small leaflet to riders in Exhibition St Friday before and after work, and maybe also Monday morning before work.  If you can help for 1/2 hour or an hour please email n...@nikdow.net with your availability, and also if leaflets can be dropped off before you go home tonight, your drop off address in the CBD.

Nik Dow

2019年5月2日 00:17:192019/5/2
收件人 Melbourne BUG
All the information to help you write your letter to City of Melbourne can be found at https://bikemelbourne.org/2019/05/exhibition-st-protected-lanes/
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