Dose in mGy

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Apr 13, 2016, 10:45:33 AM4/13/16
to medical-imaging-radiation-dose-informatics
Hello All.
In MPPS object we have the tags Entrance Dose (0040,0302) and Entrance Dose in mGy (0040,8302) which enable to send dose information of data with "small" values.
I am looking for a similar options for the RDSR TID 10004 "Accumulated Fluoroscopy and Acquisition Projection X-Ray Dose" values that gives only a "Large" units of "Gy".
Thanks Yaron.

David Clunie

Apr 13, 2016, 11:50:04 AM4/13/16
Hi Yaron

The SR encodes these as a decimal string, so you can encode
them in Gy with whatever precision you need, using scientific
notation if required (up to 16 characters, since it is a
DS value representation).

I.e., you can send values as small as you need (unlike with
Entrance Dose (0040,0302), which is an unsigned integer).

How they are rendered to the user is up to the software, but
they must be transmitted with units of Gy.

So just divide by 1000 and be happy.


On 4/13/16 10:45 AM, yaron wrote:
> Hello All.
> In MPPS object we have the tags Entrance Dose (0040,0302) and Entrance Dose
> in mGy (0040,8302) which enable to send dose information of data with
> "small" values.
> I am looking for a similar options for the RDSR TID 10004 "*Accumulated
> Fluoroscopy and Acquisition Projection X-Ray Dose*" values that gives only
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