Radiation Exposure Monitoring Testing at January Connectathon

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David Clunie

Oct 17, 2013, 3:28:41 PM10/17/13
to medical-imaging-radiation-dose-informatics
Hi all

Here is a message from IHE that may be of interest to folks on the
medical-imaging-radiation-dose-informatics list.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Radiation Exposure Monitoring Testing at January Connectathon
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 14:24:19 +0000
From: Christopher Carr <cc...@rsna.org>

Hey folks -

Lynn let me know this morning that we have five modality devices signed
up so far for testing the REM profile at the January Connectathon. It
would be a great opportunity for testing the profile. In the past, we've
had more dose object manager/ consumers and dose registers and
relatively few modalities. I would strongly urge those of you who have
systems that fill those roles to consider bringing them to the event at
the end of January in Chicago. Please also feel free to forward this
invitation to other groups you may be aware of who can play this role.

Unfortunately, the sign up deadline for the Connectathon is tomorrow. We
may be able to get an extension if you need time to figure it out-and
payment isn't due for a few weeks. The Connectathon registration page is
available here<http://www.iheusa.org/connectathon-registration.aspx>.
REM is still new enough, and has such high value for patient safety,
that you may be able to qualify for a "scholarship" through what IHE
calls the IRAP program. You need to register first, but then the IRAP
application is here<http://www.iheusa.org/connectathon-IRAP.aspx>.

Anyway, let me know if you have questions or want to discuss further. I
would love to see you in Chicago testing REM. If we are successful in
organizing it, maybe we could arrange to do some publicity for the event
through Image Wisely. In any case I promise everyone attending at least
one very thick slice of pizza!


Christopher D. Carr
Director of Informatics
Radiological Society of North America
820 Jorie Boulevard
Oak Brook, IL 60523
ph. 630-368-3739
fax 630-571-7837

Radiological Society of North America
820 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523
TEL 1-630-571-2670
FAX 1-630-571-7837

RSNA 2013 Annual
December 1 - December 6
McCormick Place, Chicago

David Clunie

Nov 28, 2013, 8:39:23 AM11/28/13
to medical-imaging-radia...@googlegroups.com, dcl...@dclunie.com
FYI, in case you are interested in the progress of adoption of the REM profile, here are the number of registrants for testing at the 2014 NA Connectathon in Chicago in January:

7 Acquisition Modalities (5 different vendors)
2 Dose Information Reporters
2 Dose Information Consumers (2 different vendors; both vendors support both Consumer & Reporter)
1 Dose Registry (Same
vendor as one of the Consumer/Reporters)
3 Image Managers (3

I am told that the large number of modalities testing this profile at one Connectathon is something of a record.


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