How to Add a Widget?

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MJ Wong

Dec 18, 2016, 11:09:22 PM12/18/16
to MediaWiki Widgets

I have followed the installation instructions successfully and now have the Widgets namespace.  The part I am stuck on is how do I install each individual widget?  From what I understand, I have to create a page in the Widget namespace for each widget and paste some code on that page.  Where do I get that code?  I am trying to install the Google Calendar widget but the source code I am given to paste is the following..

This widget allows you to add '''[ Google Calendar]''' widget to your wiki page.

It was originally created by [ Sergey Chernyshev] for [ upcoming conference calendar] on

== Using this widget ==
For information on how to use this widget, see [ widget description page on].

== Copy to your site ==
To use this widget on your site, just install [ MediaWiki Widgets extension] and copy the [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} full source code] of this page to your wiki as page '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}'''.
</noinclude><includeonly><iframe src="//<!--{if isset($app)}-->hosted/<!--{$app|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->/<!--{/if}-->embed?<!--{if isset($title)}-->title=<!--{$title|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/if}--><!--{if isset($pvttk)}-->pvttk=<!--{$pvttk|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/if}--><!--{if is_array($id)}--><!--{foreach from=$id item=i}-->src=<!--{$i|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/foreach}--><!--{else}-->src=<!--{$id|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/if}--><!--{if is_array($color)}--><!--{foreach from=$color item=c}-->color=%23<!--{$c|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/foreach}--><!--{else}-->color=%23<!--{$color|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/if}-->height=<!--{$height|escape:'urlpathinfo'|default:600}-->&amp;showTitle=<!--{if isset($showtitle) and not $showtitle}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;showNav=<!--{if isset($shownav) and not $shownav}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;showDate=<!--{if isset($showdate) and not $showdate}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;showTabs=<!--{if isset($showtabs) and not $showtabs}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;showCalendars=<!--{if isset($showcals) and not $showcals}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;showPrint=<!--{if isset($showprint) and not $showprint}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;showTz=<!--{if isset($showtz) and not $showtz}-->0<!--{else}-->1<!--{/if}-->&amp;wkst=<!--{$weekstart|escape:'urlpathinfo'|default:1}-->&amp;hl=<!--{$lang|escape:'urlpathinfo'|default:en}-->&amp;mode=<!--{$view|escape:'urlpathinfo'|default:MONTH}-->&amp;<!--{if isset($dates)}-->dates=<!--{$dates|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/if}--><!--{if isset($timezone)}-->ctz=<!--{$timezone|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->&amp;<!--{/if}--><!--{if isset($bgcolor)}-->bgcolor=%23<!--{$bgcolor|escape:'urlpathinfo'}--><!--{/if}-->" width="<!--{$width|escape:'html'|default:'100%'}-->" height="<!--{$height|escape:'html'|default:600}-->" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"<!--{if isset($border)}--> style="border: solid 1px #777"<!--{/if}--><!--{if isset($style)}--> style="<!--{$style|escape:'html'}-->"<!--{/if}-->></iframe></includeonly>

That just creates a nice looking about page.  I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to search and find instructions but I couldn't find anything.

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.

Sergey Chernyshev

Dec 18, 2016, 11:15:42 PM12/18/16
Now when you copied the code you have into you can use the code like this on regular pages of your wiki to include the calendars:

{{#widget:Google Calendar
|title=NYCResistor, US Holidays

(sample code copied from here:

Hope this helps.


Sergey Chernyshev

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MJ Wong

Dec 20, 2016, 10:18:55 AM12/20/16
to MediaWiki Widgets
Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the help.

When I use the same code or my own calendar id i get an error message that says, 'Fatal exception of type "Error"'.


On Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 11:15:42 PM UTC-5, Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
Now when you copied the code you have into you can use the code like this on regular pages of your wiki to include the calendars:

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