Weird Thing with Soundcloud and Iframe Widget Syntax

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Patricia Barden

Feb 18, 2016, 2:52:15 PM2/18/16
to MediaWiki Widgets

This may be a silly thing to report.

When I use the recommended syntax for both Widget:Iframe and Widget:SoundCloud, splitting up the parameters on separate lines, like this I get an error message.



The error message is:

Error in Widget:SoundCloud

Error in Widget:Iframe

But if I put all of the parameters on a single line like this then the widget shows up:


Any idea why this is happening?

Thank you!


Karsten Hoffmeyer

Feb 26, 2016, 4:07:03 AM2/26/16
to MediaWiki Widgets
Hello Patricia,

that indeed appears to be strange. However, I do not have a clue why this is happening. Perhaps a space after the parameter values is breaking things, though this is a wild guess and I would not expect this to be the issue.

Both Widgets are working on using several lines to be embedded. The website is however still on MW 1.25 so I cannot tell what will happen after the next upgrade.

Besides the SoundCloud widget seems to be outdated and needs to be updated not to use Flash. Anyone up to it should do this.

Cheers Karsten


Feb 26, 2016, 4:20:27 AM2/26/16
Soundcloud widget stopped working for me since I upgrade to 1.23. I
could never make it work again.

If curious:
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Patricia Barden

Mar 1, 2016, 11:01:13 AM3/1/16
to MediaWiki Widgets
Hello again:

It looks like I was mistaken about syntax being a problem.

Neither the Iframe widget nor the Soundcloud widget is working on my wiki.

I'm getting this error message:

Error in Widget:SoundCloud

Error in Widget:Iframe

Here's my version info:

MediaWiki     1.25.3
PHP     5.6.17 (apache2handler)
MySQL     5.1.56-log

Any help you can give me with this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Karsten Hoffmeyer

Mar 4, 2016, 4:53:41 AM3/4/16
to MediaWiki Widgets
Indeed thats's strange.

You had a similar post here (!topic/mediawiki-widgets/uVN0UFNXpmw) after your last upgrade. So the same fix may probably work again. I cannot replicate the issue.

* Are only these two widgets broken?
* What is the server's log saying?

Cheers Karsten

PS The SoundCloud widget is currently non-functional  anyway so this one has to be fixed. Iframe however is working.
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