I'm new to mediawiki and Widgets and php, but a developer. I recognize I'm probably doing something wrong, but I'm at a loss. My goal is to create a widget to allow an iframe. Simple enough.
My widget: Widget:iFrameWidget
My wiki page:
As rendered: (Inspector)
<iframe src="%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fmaps%2Fd%2Fu%2F0%2Fembed%3Fmid%3D1zF6jmAEuTNwGlDCY3XlijlyzT-6T-D8%26ehbc%3D2E312F%22" width="" 640""="" height="" 480""="" <="" iframe="">
- First and most obviously, what am I doing wrong?
- also, the quoting is bizzarre. And the ordering is strange. And even the closing bracket? Is this somehow protecting against iframes?
- Also, in some places you use the <!-- {$var}--> notation, in some, just plain ${var}. I'm confused.
Sorry if I'm being an idiot, but I've read the docs and looked over it for an hour and I am out of things to try.