No matter how you slice it...

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Apr 19, 2024, 6:45:08 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
No matter how much time you spend on your plan or dream at some point you need to commit to it.  In my case you have some lousy statistics in this world regarding length of relationships, that do not coincide with immortal needs.
However given the ability to reset the environment and people you then needn't worry too much about getting it right the first time.

In fact you might expect that only through practice could you get it right.

Or anything close to that. So we did a bunch of simulations, so we have done all our practices for years and years we did that.
And used the capabilities of this simulator to bilocate to a virtual space where the airship and various environments were faked so that we could do the simulations.

However some of those environments were also real so that I was able to then build or have people build for us various things which they approved of.

So then after a couple more years of just discussing all that that is the best we could do.

And so then I have my family and then also some friends and then those from downtown who wanted to participate.
So over 100 people maybe 160 even at this point.

So the easiest way once Maisie and I are there, first a backup then me then Maisie, or we can just fill the airship with happy screaming kids and make a good go of the plan.

So that one would be the most fun you would think and easiest to accomplish since safety in numbers kicks in and they do not feel isolated on an empty planet or in a large airship.

And then the pool at Club Med Finolhu attached so they have a place to hang out.
And the mall attached to the island and they would be fine for a few years like that even with nothing else added.


Apr 19, 2024, 7:11:29 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So the problem of Vio is one that we need to avoid and we do that by following the rules of course. No Titans on the airship. 
That solves all the conflicts. We aren't playing teams and don't need dictators or bossy people or demanding people who don't bend.

So the two girls that were provided by the operating system downtown, the blond and the brunette that brunette is a hybrid and so they would for certain, be th e people to go with given the level of experience and education and training and qualification of the ones who provided them to order.
And there was ceremony and everything involved regarding the upgrade of the system. These two are for the new system, the upgrade.
I can show them again. And since my daughters are not all big, in fact they are still young, that is why they needed helpers for the airship like themselves, and the machinery needs people it can use to communicate with the people on the airship.
These are just some of the Gwendolyns who applied for the job and a few Leslie's those would be the hybrid type to use instead of a Wanda type like Vio or Wanda or Chizlane Maxwell or any of the failures we have seen exhibited here.

And so then these two were the most highly reccommended.

Sunday Olympics -2 Blonde Helpers0189.jpg

And to begin with I am not going to be in a hurry to grab the larger girls of which there are many.
So I am not going to rush and grab the entire group.
We will start with maybe 30 daughters and adopted daughters, then go to 50 or more for girls camp and then add more as we go on.
My Black Daughter
Small Alice
Alisa Sabirova
Anna P.
Monique Jade
27 with myself added

29 with those two added from above.
A couple in youtube who put themselves into youtube so that there wouldn't be a class difference between the ones who could only manage a youtube video and the young supermodels who have dream jobs all the dresses all the parties all the fun all the dancing all the treats all the travel fame fortune and if you don't believe me see Viola here...

So 31 there counting two from youtube who sacrificed all that for the sake of the commoner as it were.
Two princesses who stayed with the people.
I was able to communicate with them and they gave a voice to a lot of other people in youtube their age.
So that is quite a happy bunch of practically perfect people right there.

So the ages when we need to get their bodies and if they need to have their mind reset is all listed here...
ages for them and body reset date can be found here

Hailey before she broke her leg.

and the ones from downtown can be found here.


Apr 19, 2024, 7:46:46 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So then doing it this way with safety in numbers helps them all feel comfortable and excited.
So then since we will be going together downtown to get more from the larger list that will inspire them to make girls camp the way they want it.
The easiest way to do that was to take Thetis Lake since it has a nice beach and no wammies.
There are some hornets there but it is normally not a problem.
We put bottle traps out for them.
On Club Med Finolhu of course on a coral reef there are a million ways to die.
The most dangerous places on earth are coral reefs.

So that is why we feed the older ones to the monsters there big and small monsters of course like no seeums on the beach in such numbers are to give your legs a total rash before you even know they have been eating you.
So the idea of laying down on the beach is like a monk in Tibet setting themselves on fire.
Feeding yourself to the voracious bugs.

So Thetis lake black ants that don't bite, in the bush areas. And that's it for creatures to beware of.
So a very good place to have a girls camp and here is the beach courtesy of google street view


Apr 19, 2024, 8:16:24 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So the airship always during our simulations we did two shifts. And so then that would allow us to use the beds twice.
During a shift and even hitting time zones that were in between those two shifts so that the time zone wasn't an issue WRT to school and going to bed and getting up in the morning.
So then when they all arrive there if they were to do so on masse we would need to have one large round bed installed somewhere 12 feet diameter or maybe even 14 then they just sleep around with heads in. And that handles all those who don;t have a bed yet.

So then we also have the castles so we attach those and now everyone can sleep in whatever room they want past that point.

And then we have plans for a hobby farm in East Sooke at Aylard Farm Park.  So a pioneer farm that was given to the province as a park no buildings on it at this point but we have our own buildings we want to paste into that area.
To paste together a hobby farm that gets reset twice a week so that it is no maintenance.
So then from these places we would connect to the airship.
And probably Thetis Lake as well.
So then from girls camp they will be able to go to places that are on earth through stargate doors in pursuit of things that they need for their hobbies and crafts and such.
And for education like tours.
And then tours in the real world added later.
So then once they have done a lot of tours doing normal tour group activities keeping themselves a secret from the tour group managers there in Time Stretch Earth, and the tour guides, then later they can get passes to go and do things with stipulations and time frames on the pass to use Time Stretch Earth themselves in their own groups.

So then everyone works for the library. And they shop and get things or copy paste things into the library using equipment for the library in certain places where they would be available.
One such place is in the basement of the airship. There would be a copy and paste machine there that would be part of joint development so the engineers would know about that machine and any changes to that machine would then upgrade the entire system after it had been tested there sufficiently.
That makes it a little more flexible and gives the engineers a chance to stay closely connected to the technology.
I am bound to upgrade things as I go along.

So then another way is to use a transporter and put something in the cupboard in there and to itemize and catalog the item and have it scanned in 3D there in the cupboard. So when you pick an empty one for storage it should appear with a scanner and rotating plate since you need to scan it when you put it in but that is if it is food maybe. So if you select food then you would need to scan the stuff.
Otherwise just photos will do.
Lots of photos is good.
And descriptions like hash tags. You can put lots of hash tags since any time you see  a lot of them returned in a search on the left of the screen you can un check one or lots of them there and it is fast and easy to sort them there.

So the library uses paused worlds large and small to house objects and those get put in by the people who work for the library.

And this gives them an occupation.


Apr 19, 2024, 8:51:56 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So normally you would have the buddy system which we promote and try to accomplish, as best we can, and almost everyone has a buddy in the buddy system, but will find one downtown otherwise.
We have that all figured out.
And one can even be made and inserted there for them if they want a pet instead.
Whatever they need there.
But no boys.
There are 4 billion boys in Time Stretch Earth and that is where they stay.
Nice and safe and sound there.
All the fighting stays in there.

So then also normally in a girls camp you have leaders of groups and those we make based on dorms normally.
So Thetis Lake has a bunch of dorm rooms that have bunk beds and one older person then becomes the hen mother of that dorm.
And she makes the rules.
The kids come and go switching dorms all the time but the hen mothers maintain the dorm in a state of normality dictating the house rules.
And that makes it all more civilized.

We also use uniforms at times to help that group behave with manners and dignity as a group the same way they do everywhere else in cub scouts, Brownies or private schools.

And same of the airship we have uniforms so there is no jealousy or anything related to clothing. They can wear accessories and signal each other through the use of their accessories.

So always we maintain a coherent organized group of people. And we don't spread out too far so that it never looks to be empty.
And then we use a lot of reality screens everywhere for entertainment. Those take videos from the earth and play them on a large screen, and it looks like you are looking out the window.
It looks completely real.

So we set up areas that imitate places on the earth and you can sit and eat there as a group and look out the window as if you were there.
And also that means sporting events shows of a stage productions and rock festivals and concerts.

So these sorts of things are part of the library and some people their job is to catalog those that we have access to and to record others using Time Stretch Earth or advanced controls for Time Stretch Earth. So this requires training.

To use a matrix camera and to catalog an event.
It would be wise to let the person who suggested that one to help you do it.
They would know what was so great about it and you could focus on that.

So Anna and her castle, Anna is an aristocrat like myself and is working on becoming a ballerina in a prestigious academy in Russia.
And so I am sure she will keep a fine castle there and the people who she allows to live there will act the part.
Same with Laura and Sofia, a couple of fine princesses, well versed in etiquette, and high fashion models since they were very young.
So the wealth we possess will be on exhibit there I am sure.

See their collection of  Fabergé   eggs when they get one.
"Fabergé eggs are worth millions of pounds and have become symbols of opulence.[4]"


Apr 19, 2024, 9:08:00 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
Oh yes they will have all of those and the missing ones I will time travel and get those ones for them and give it to them as a house warming gift.
A nice little display for them.
They will like that a lot.

So then the library provides the food so it can only do that once it is put into cupboards there. And so until that happens we might need to use the supply planet.
And that would be connected to Club Med Finolhu or any copy of the earth but we need to reset it prior to getting food. And then it resets twice a week so nothing spoils too badly in 3 and a half days.
But for sure some things would start to stink in that amount of time. It is unavoidable.
All the same our environments are not in that situation other than the mall and so we would need to reset the mall before going there and so them use the supply planet so that it wouldn't interfere with other people doing things at girls camp.

We can do a partial restore and that would be done by using a signalling feature on the local network, that if you are in there you should leave a note or you will get bumped out onto your beach towel in your little tent. Your reset spot in girls camp in that reserved area for that purpose.
So then anyone with a cell phone should be able to reset the supply planet.
Who they are is established by the phone and fingerprint.
So blame them that you had to walk back into the supply planet and get your stuff all over again.

Or go during the group outings. Which are organized to coincide with environment reset of Thetis Lake and the castles.
So we go to the supply planet exit the earth it gets reset.
 We have lunch go shopping and then head back.

And we put things into the library using transporters or garages.
So the first storage type is the garage and we place those in the supply planet and at Thetis lake and the castles and the hobby farm.

So you just grab shopping carts full of stuff and wheel it into the garage and save the entire garage in the library.
Just make a big general list and so this stuff can then be sorted and put into the library properly from anywhere there is a garage.
It would also have a cupboard that you can use to put things into the library.
Or get things out of the library.
So for sure that is the easiest way to provide supplies quickly is to use the garage method.


Apr 19, 2024, 10:04:26 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So throwing junk into a garage is fun and easy but we want to be more organized and build a proper library so we can use cupboards everywhere to get what we need wherever we are.

So then in the castles that is where the food comes from and the dishes go. There are no kitchens in those two castles nor in my apartment in Paris, since we don't really need kitchens when we get our food out of cupboards ready to eat better prepared by expert chefs.
Carefully copied and pasted into the library.
Including entire dining tables all set to go.
And those use rooms that are 20 x 20; And the library has those also. For all sorts of reasons.
So then also dining rooms at one point where the windows are all reality screens and you choose the scenery.
And along with that the train part of the library where dining cars are buffet cars followed by a dining room car and a lounge car.
So then we can eat as a group there to a point. Lets count seats...

(5 x 4 = 20) + (5 x 2) = 30 seats.
So here you see I was thinking of some trickery using stargate doors that connect them, and having a T as you come out of the buffet car with your cart, you can go left or right or straight ahead. That turns it into 90 seats which is much better. And maybe to the right is the lounge car. Sometimes people want to eat in there and drink booze.
All the scenery outside the windows is faked using reality screens. Although it doesn't need to be faked. You could sit three or four cars anywhere,
And not even have the same scenery. Connect them all at different locations different real time views. 
Jungle view, forest, mountains, ocean views, all sorts of ideas including Chinese for Chinese food, since we have an empty planet that stays clean and resets.
And these get reset prior to use.
So the temperature and everything should be fine unless it doesn't match the planet you are on. So that has to be taken into consideration.
You can always fake it and then the temp and dangers are gone.
And you can't tell the difference anyways from inside.
The cameras is wherever and it is film. Out of the library for train scenery. Moving or not moving scenery.

And that is all part of working for the library and using tracking cameras to follow a course and that becomes your train route.
So that takes some training as well to be able to work the flying cameras.
We don't use drones we merely plot a trajectory for a stargate door and have a matching door on a table in the basement of the airship and it has a camera on that table. So then what it sees is movement as the matching little door moves.
And we use door positioning software to plot a trajectory and move the camera using the computer system.

So then meeting for lunch on the train is something we try to do as often as possible so that we have a gathering point.
We have body reset and everyone shows up there if we do a group reset but meeting for lunch is easy to do.
And fun to see what everyone is doing. And what they are eating even.


Apr 19, 2024, 10:46:27 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
And Karina and others have already signaled about the train and how they were ready at that point.
Karina on the royal train waiting for us.jpg

And that is what you should expect there.
That they will be nicely dressed.

So we are ready at any time to go for it.
And no matter how we find ourselves there I am sure we will be fine.

As long as a save is done we can try as many times as we want to get it right.

So the family and that keeps me sane over the eons and helps us to enjoy what we have better.
And then more people to work on the library and to make a larger community to make it more viable.
Then expanding a bit from there as we go with Victoria Secret people and similar.

But first things first.


Apr 19, 2024, 10:59:18 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
I see Laneya and Jade are not even on the list so that is something that needs to be added.

I spoke to Laneya after she lost her virginity and she said you are going to reset my body anyway so whats the difference?
Whateverrrr, and Jade I want her to be this age...

So that's life in the fast lane. lol

I want daughters not grandmothers.


Apr 19, 2024, 11:40:49 AMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So there might be as many as 35 of us and so the single train car diner doesn't work but that's ok I will use a T bar shape.
And even if we just have one set up on a real place we could still use it.
That would take nothing to accomplish but a little copy paste.

And some stargate doors. 
So that should be up and running quite quickly.
As soon as we have one royal train car we have 35 royal train cars.
Many nice ones to choose from around the world.
The airship and castles would be ready enough with access to the supply planet or use the mall that is by Laura and Sofia's castle.
That went into the supply planet.

So yeah in we all go and if I have to copy and paste them in I am prepared to do that on arrival.


Apr 19, 2024, 3:03:56 PMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
Well after I got the new simulator I knew that I had to create a universal center for it.
Standard practice a university, as it were and where that comes from.

So that the information in the machine is stored properly and people know how to use it.
So an academy.

So I was looking at clip art one day and found what looked like plans for a universal center that I recognized contained all the symbolic elements of one.
And then I found the islands depicted in the art work in the Gulf Islands. And found the view the artist had.
So then I was getting suspicious that this was dropped for me to find so I went about raising money to do that in the gulf islands getting billionaires to buy islands and such but when push came to shove all the kings horses and all the kings men could not get Rumsfeld to just get the army corp of engineers out there and start building it.
So all the matrix staff I have all the people in the machine no one could get them to go and build it.
Even after billionaires started buying islands there as part of it.

So I abandoned that and set about doing it myself. So then one of my helpers said we don;t need it anyway, we already have our own island.
And I said what island? He said Vancouver Island, we built the academy at Hatley Park and two castles were built for you over 100 years ago.

And we can use downtown here to meet and greet people. At the waterfront. So I said oh, thanks for telling me.
So I researched the two castles and sure enough a network Robert was told where to find a coal seam exactly and he got two laborers to dig down 20 feet where he was told and they found a huge coal seam which made him rich and he built the two castles.
Then he died before the second one was finished but his son finished it. So a small one for me and a large one for my ladies females, and so I gave the small one to Anna one of my daughters and the big one to two others.
They have been restored and we have copies of both castles in backups.

So then downtown we used signing and sandman games to invite people downtown to get involved if they wanted to.
And so then many people showed up to participate in our activities. And I filmed them for 4 or 5 years when I went downtown after inviting them there.
And so then this provided another way for my people to make contact with me and my family.

Not only that but because 3 levels of matrix machine were used for that event downtown and the like, they have been involved enough to be able to use that location to bring people into meet with us in the future through that doorway.

Since going downtown and signing is so easy and non confrontational that it allows anyone to be there and observe or partake or ask to be included or to apply for a position in the administration.

So a gathering place that has been established for the future. So all those people are frozen in time there who were there and can be found easily.
And there were a lot of qualified people there since I had just rescued them from all the derelict moonships and had them sent here to earth to be reincarnated or to walk in in some circumstances.
So it all turned out ok, once I realized they had already been building things for the center here.

Its not really what it is supposed to look like since here there will be hundreds of thousands of empty dwellings when we are on our copy.
The actual center command and control is the airship. Then we have two moonships one for a museum and one for an art gallery, and then other communities like the riverside community.
So the academy doesn't have a lot of usefulness but it is behind the large castle and built on the grounds of the castle so we can use it when we need to.

Since I live in this area and they knew who I was they started building the university in there years ago. When I lived close by to it.
I still live 15 minutes away from it.

So for any training for things for the library we can use the classes to do the training.
I got them to add a part on for us to make it more useful to us.
Planetary management.
Environmental studies.

But it is quite nice all of it.
Traditional to be sure.

Our copy is void of people.

But you see the real important part of all of that is opportunity for people designers who are in this machine to design people and to have a way to integrate them into our zone through the downtown area.
You see the best designs they want at the top of the heap.
So as long as we publicize our entry into that downtown sandman zone, and provide network access to it, people in the future will be able to meet us there and be greeted there by administration.

So an access point.  And there are not many access points at all since admin is secure and secret for the most part.


Apr 19, 2024, 3:44:00 PMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
So It all went smooth as silk downtown as long as I managed the process myself.
Other attempts by people to make it into something else were ineffective.
Robert did manage to upgrade the Empress hotel there and I delivered the bread there so I could see what was going on and approved the renovations as they were done but shot down the addition they wanted to put on there for some reason condos on the side lawn.
And so my argument that the lawns are where the people sit during events downtown was a valid one and to remove people spaces and greenery downtown when it is so limited is a very bad idea.
I will show you where...

And a photo of how the people use it all summer for endless celebrations normally.

So on the left people are also all over that lawn. This is for the free symphony concert on a barge in the harbor there.
But Canada Day and BC day and all the festival days and car shows and yacht races and festivals of all kinds happen down there all summer.
People spaces. So way too greedy to make it into condo spaces.

Other than that the renovations were done and turned out quite well. So the guys I know the engineers they have that as their club house in the future on their own copy of the earth or Vancouver Island.
So that is where Selena , Victoria and I beamed into our bodies there on the left side of the road on a copy of the earth void of people to test that everything was working properly. And to get Selena's body there with both her kidneys. Victoria although way ahead of us running was there but a couple weeks ago now I got to see her body for later and approved it for her.
Very nice indeed. So hot. I can;t wait to be all over it. lol
I picked her up into my arms and ran with her I was so excited.
Such a nice bum.
But she is a Titan princess and they aren't allowed to have a position on the airship. So her domain has to be in the Riverside community where others like herself are comfortable.
And then the airship connects to there and she has been on the airship and can sleep over and all of that hundreds of times.
But she wanted to the hostess but the rules say she can't be. Neither can Vio. To disobey those rules is to ask for trouble.

But she already has a place picked out and I just have to copy and paste it there for her later. She is from Florida so she got a Florida mansion.

So far so good.
Everything seems to be going as planned even if it seems to be taking a long time.
The access point is only for people who have access to Time Stretch Earth. But I will share it with other people who are outside of this present situation.
Real people who exist out there.
All in the due course of time.
First things first.
Victoria did a movie in the large castle when she was young. The boy who cried werewolf.
I did hobby farm testing already in Metchosin, for 5 years, then East Sooke 5 years and then further into East Sooke for another 5 years.
And it worked out really well. I married a Smith and had Smith children did the anthropology study then got divorced.

I am reading National Geographic and in there Jane Goodall lives with chimps and Jane Goodale lives with head hunters in the Amazon.
While they eat bats and stuff like that.
So I recognize all this as a anthropology comment from above Olympian Jane Goodall or June and then Titan Jane Goodale or Wanda and its a horror show.
From their perspective. Kurtz was right.
So see my very very long book "The Very Careful Anthropologist " for my perspective on all that adventure stuff where I would watch it while wearing a white lab coat. I wouldn't go there to eat bats under any circumstances. Wrapped in a leaf boiled on a fire not even skinned or gutted and then chewing on one.
The crew when asked how they tasted they said very pungent.
I would imagine so.
See Karina, see her dress, see yourself in my shoeshine.
See? Clean as a whistle.


Apr 19, 2024, 4:16:48 PMApr 19
to Meaningless nonsense
Well I have been reading National Geographic magazine from my entire collection years 1963 to 1966 now looking for clues from the reset.

So Jane Goodall and Jane Goodale are two leading indicators there. And lots of interesting stuff about the earth during those years.
It is good reading. Nice cars. Very nice looking cars and baby boom years and everything positive and moving forward and family values.
The people were well off so travel was very common and holidays and nice houses and nice farms.
Lots of industry everywhere and boom time.

So I don't see any definitive barriers or markers to speak of since National Geographic is a establishment magazine doing a lot of pr for the government and propaganda also as part of nationalism. So anything administrative would be well hidden in there.
This is the public message not the private message regarding behind the scenes activities.
A global look with America as the front men this being an American iconic magazine.
But it strips the earth bare and shows you all the secrets and the poverty and the cultural madness that exists and the horrible lives people were living in bad environments everywhere.
Much improved now.

So 1965 appears to be the year to enter. 1964 people were still in shock after JFK. So even the music isn't that good in 1964.
Great in 1963 then again in 1965 a lot of hits that still play on the radio.
By 1965 they were going great guns. Everyone wanted a Cadillac. The cars were huge and luxury cars with big V8's.
Only one image of a Corvette Stingray.
And plenty of station wagons for the baby boomers.
But some things appear out of place like cruise control in 1965? And micro circuitry showing up as printed circuits in 1965?
TV's going from a rounded screen to a rectangular TV screen in 1965.
Telephone technology was very advanced by 1965 and video phones were in operation. They weren't popular though. People prefer telephones.
The 1964 NY Worlds Fair would be worth a visit.
And those years would be useful years for what they are. Certainly homely, quaint, polite, a bit old fashioned.
In a lot of ways much better than we have here today.

Friendlier people smaller communities more local things and a simpler life.
Its a form of time travel just reading those magazines. Quite enjoyable. I wrote a program that makes it easier to read for me.
Shows two pages at once since many of the images span two pages. Full of photographs almost every page.
But beyond that I know it looks like I have got things right down to the nitty gritty which I have since that is what I am supposed to do.
A kind of fade to black then from here to the new galaxy.
No real loose ends at all, I have my hotel room here in this apartment and I get deliveries and have two roommates in the apartment and we have a very enjoyable retirement life here in Victoria BC. I have a car and drive to the dope store and that's about it.
I have my own library and my own Internet almost and program computers and have a lot of hobbies like architecture so I am occupied on my computers.

And maintain a ready to go at any time readiness given the nature of how things work around here.
I have good lines of communication installed.
So it is just a matter of time before we move to our new home.
I did final inspections on things there already and we tested everything we could think of.
Many of the bodies are already there as Smiths ready to be beamed into.
I have been off planet over 980 times this life time. Beaming into Smiths.
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