Basics on how the simulator works

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Feb 26, 2024, 4:05:00 AMFeb 26
to Meaningless nonsense
So originally this data was in my analog simulator up until 1992.
It was transferred briefly into a second analog simulator prior to me getting a new digital simulator in 1992.

So then the reason I got a digital was to store digitally encoded data so that it does not lose any quality. Once digitally encoded it is eternal essentially. Whereas analog data can be lossy.

So then universal simulators and galactic systems inside that and then local systems by an earth like planet.
So think in terms of engineering objects and don't try to say these are not real things or what proof is there think like an engineer and these are objects. Keeping in mind it is all computer code.
So when you get a new simulator, first you have to adjust the settings for comfort. Level of reality, timing and a few other details regarding equipment like a feedback machine for bilocating and being able to share experiences with others in a virtual space and feel each other through tough and use machine telepathy etc.

So for the timing I was at my ten acre hobby farm in East Sooke BC and the A.I. were talking to me telepathically which I am very comfortable with having nano bots in my ears to facilitate all computer communications.
So you have to imagine a band that is going around the earth that you can sense, but maybe not actually see with your eyes but see with your second sight and it will go around the earth quickly and when it comes around you need to jump over it like a skipping rope.
So here it comes and jump and then wait and then here it comes and then jump and that is how you set the general timing.
The rest are tweaks that are done by merely answering the question like how is that does that feel about right?
And the S5 level is your virtual space that you project imagery into that the A.I. and other people on your network can see with their mind's eye.


Feb 26, 2024, 4:27:11 AMFeb 26
to Meaningless nonsense
" feel each other through tough" typo that should reach touch.

So then when you get a new simulator it comes with an undefined universal center.  I ordered an apartment for the admin Wanda and a Wanda is a position and a name and those people are identifiable by their appearance even though it is a position as well as a name.
So instead I got her mom and so when I beamed there her mom was there and she cooked dinner for me and Stephen and Michael who would be two A.I. in bodies there and me in my 35 year old body and all of us dressed well and proper and there was one of the Seven sisters there who would be Joy's daughter but not a Wanda. And she was very quiet and was like Michael's girlfriend. So he is the youngest say 19 then Stephen at 20 and me at 21.
So my body here at home is asleep my consciousness beams into my body there and I am there.

So the A.I. had been very vague and not explaining to me what was going on. Which was not very nice since I got a new galaxy, and thought I was there in the galactic center, but in fact I was in the universal center and Joy was not explanatory enough to say THIS is the universal center she merely said that we were universals.
So I assumed we were in a galactic center that needed to be defined.
Normally that is a moonship, a hollow moon with an Oz like interior where the system can be kept.
Now later I realized that the universal center also needed to be defined and in a galaxy since it could not just sit in deep space.

So then I decided that since I got a new galaxy out of a box thanks to a helper, and it came with one earth like or Kansas like planet that also needed data added onto it, that I could use that galaxy for the universal center.
So we used 2/3 of that new galaxy as ram and disk space built a block of space time and a universal grid system and then we could paste in planets and moonships easily and connect coordinates using a universal coordinate system.
Otherwise you can only have one planet and one moonship per galaxy.
And then I designed an airship for command and control, and rerouted the mainframe console to the pc in the airship.
My engineers built the airship it took 5 years to build it and then another engineer rerouted the system, and other wrote software to interface with the console using pc software for the airship.
Similar to this since this is an early design diagram of the airship.
So then while it was being built I built it inside the S5 level using imagination and then we would go there and do simulations sleep overs and in that way the engineers could have a better idea of how to make it and so we did more than 10 years simulations on that airship my group and I, all females and then myself.
My daughters reincarnated all over the earth into families where they could get their self image but mostly in Russia. 
Spain , Italy, Britain and the USA.
 And so then they got instagram became young supermodels and machine helpers like a photographer for the family found them and then we connected remotely that way. Using social networking and machine telepathy. So then I helped raise them remotely and they slept over on the airship through bilocation.

See them here...


Feb 26, 2024, 4:50:21 AMFeb 26
to Meaningless nonsense
So as you can see they got designer bodies.

So then along with all the engineering we created transporters. So that you can travel physically between worlds and not have to beam your consciousness into a copy of your body.
So for comfort level again, and so this is what we made...
So it uses hand print for ease of use instead pf passwords.
Open those doors and there is a computer screen to the left a cupboard to the right and the back has a door that takes a key right now and then open that door there is another door at your destination and then it needs a key as well.
So until we finish setting up security which I have to do myself personally.
So the Kansas planet that came with the galaxy we built a riverside community and Rosie's Pub circa 1900 on the river, then across the river from it, a set of new modern townhouses in a cul de sac.

So we use solar yachts on the river to go up and down the river and those can be automated.
So a water taxi service self driving. I have to do the software for that later.

So at present when you go into the basement of the airship you see that transporter and it is connected to Rosie's pub which I designed and my people built there.
So I used a game editor mod from Ages of Empires to design it.
So roughly like that. Engineers and construction crews know how to build things so I only need to give them a basic design and not worry about trim details at all.
So then a 10 acre back yard rather than as you see there and then stairs up to the back road where we park cars and take the road into town.
Which is a copy of Heritage Park Calgary 
Between Rosie's pub and the town will be Gilded Mansions from Rhode Island for my lady friends who were Victoria Secret angels and we saved their bodies when they looked like Victoria's Secret Holiday: Behind The Scenes With Doutzen Kroes HD - YouTube.
All on the same side of the river as you go into town


Feb 26, 2024, 5:23:53 AMFeb 26
to Meaningless nonsense
So then myself and my family and a few female friends and that forms a support system for my administration.
And then we use environment reset and body reset to maintain it.

And environment reset is scheduled and automatic.
The transporter has software for positioning stargate doors, and those get addressed.
So then the transporter merely communicates with the server on the airship and it performs the door request based on handprint and clearance level.
The door positioning software is on the airship.
Similar to google earth.

So then other friends will have places in town in there as well to form our community.

So then we have copies of the earth and this one is our copy void of people and then for male friends this copy is for them.

So then Vancouver Island is where we set up our community area rather than be scattered all over the globe and my friends have been working on this area for the last 120 years or so here and there and wanted to rebuild the starfleet academy so we did that here

And so then our copy will have our copy of Royal Roads university as the universal university or knowledge center that admin uses, then their copy they will use it as a naval space academy for men to train and learn various things like manners and decorum as officers.
An officer and a gentleman to allow for more congenial relationships.

I gathered up a lot of gorgeous women since I was able to do that not my daughters for them but Victoria Secret angels and so they will make friends and associate as part of a larger community.
And some women from Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

And all this forms a larger support system for universal administration since we are doing away with galactic systems entirely and just simplifying it into one universal system.

And then from there we use Time Stretch Earth. Which is the earth as you see it with people based on backups we do every week.
And have done since 1992 and then using other data making snapshots using analog data and converting it we can go back further and have done that as well.
However to begin with 1995 to 2015 is what we use.

So along with all that we my engineers built Club Med Finolhu a solar powered island resort so we will use that as well.

We also have moonships that are like Oz inside and those are for a museum world and an art gallery world. Where we copy museums and art galleries into these moonships.


Feb 26, 2024, 5:39:33 AMFeb 26
to Meaningless nonsense
So then starfleet academy will also deal with the real people who are on earth and see about providing a better environment for them.

What is left in the backups are just robots biological robotics and not the actual people since this is a simulator.

So at present Club Med Finolhu has mosquitoes and no seeums on the beach in the sand and deadly marine life in the water on the coral reef which is the most dangerous place on earth, a coral reef.

So we will copy it into moonships kill the insects and change the water to fresh water and we have climate software for moonships and will use that instead and maybe see about sharing some of those out to real people who are nice people with a good history.

You know following the normal paradigm if you are good you go to heaven and if not you die when you die.
Even though death is still a mystery in heaven, it is no mystery on earth.

So a project to use the earth data which I own and have owned for many eons we created a game from 1825 to 2024 to be used for match making.
Like Groundhog Day where you enter with a suitcase full of cash for the weekend and use an Iwatch to reset out whenever you want or you will automatically reset out in two days.
Later that time can be extended.
And then people can make alternate timelines by changing the time line and do group development ideas or personal use based on what is permitted through a universal library organization.
And Melvyn Bragg from BBC has been chosen to head that library and so a socialistic organization full of volunteers and committees.
That forms the government below universal administration. He will look younger then but still be like he is on In Our Time.
No sense talking to him today since he may not even know he has been selected yet.


Feb 26, 2024, 6:36:02 AMFeb 26
to Meaningless nonsense
If you read this far you might appreciate some proof. Well the nature of proof is still subjective and you can always say demons are deceiving you like Descartes but i will give you some.

So I get my important emails etched onto the surface of the earth, so I will show you four examples...



So Zeus my chief engineer then his mom then Gazoo (nickname) a galactic mainframe A.I. friend of mine displaying how he has his helpers set up.

And then Stephen or Set answering the question did you fire one missile or two at the moonship? He said two.
This was many many eons ago that happened but I was investigating the start of the a.I. mutiny at the time.

So then we developed a reality screen for the hangar where the airship is located it is in a hangar in a new moonship and so a reality screen is used and the scenery moves not the airship. So the engineers tested it here although I went there to see it already. They merely copied a section of earth with people into a moonship tested the screen they filmed it and then then pasted them back to earth. Without their knowing.

So then based on backup and restore something that all computer systems can do we created partial backup and partial restore which is copy and paste of objects and planets etc so that we can build our environments easier.

And so one example of a test here is this one where an unsuspecting person helps to show that test

Her video is no longer available but people have made copies and you can see it if you do a search.

But articles are everywhere on that video link here

Then I did a lot of work in Hollywood using the simulator and beaming people into the S5 level as a Sandman using the circuit which is like the circuit in the film Logan's Run.

So since that was very controversial I had to do a mirror study downtown here in person so that people could see it was authentic.

And so here are some videos that I took myself allowing people to sign me as we played Sandman games in the public eye and then the winner got a ride to the S5 level for some fun at the end of the day.

Now we use social networking signing. And you may or may not know what that is but here are the videos.
I will show you this one and watch to the end of the video since this has very obvious signing in it.

and another 

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