The Expanding man model

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Mar 20, 2024, 12:39:32 PMMar 20
to Meaningless nonsense
Copy paste from my post in r simulation in reddit today.
username mister muhahbean.

Imagine you are standing on a balloon. And you paint a ruler on the balloon.

The balloon expands and you look at the ruler it is not expanding. But you have to expand as well.

So now what do you feel? Gravity beneath your feet.

Yet there is no proof that you are expanding.

Where is the universe expanding into? Nothingness. Space is created by the ether as it expands.

So then if the universe is expanding does it take longer to get to the moon?

No, the ether is expanding also. The ether bubbles resist expansion due to their elasticity and tensile strength so they pulse in and out and that gives them intrinsic mass since they are pulsing in a straight line. A Higgs bosun would be found on a ray from the center of the mass to the radius of the bubble which would be like a golf ball since it is touching its neighbors. And pulsing in and out.

Matter is expanding also.

And gravity is from the center of mass outward. That is the arrow of time. In the direction of expansion. The universe is 12 to 14 billion years old due to the big bang.

So the ether is made up of quantum bubbles in a liquid we cannot detect directly but we can detect the ether which are bubbles Planck length in diameter.

So then see rocket sled experiments see his cheeks fill with ether.

Also see vortexes in a rotating superfluid the vortexes are quantized according to Planck length.

See Newtons bucket.

So then an atom is a bubble also see Bose Einstein condensate. What gives it mass is it resists expansion and pulses in and out. See cesium clocks and their natural frequency, all elements have a natural frequency.

So when the nucleus pulses it sends a spherical wave that crests at the electron radius.

In Hydrogen that is one wave one electron strength or force or kinetic energy.

So The ether bubbles are touching the nucleus and when it pulses the transfer of momentum crests at the e radius. One complete wave is one spherical wave packet.

Now if you intercept that wave anywhere other than at the crest it is magnetism.

Hence em waves.

When two or more atoms form a covalent bond the waves are cancelling out while still coming and they form a balanced state.

Where they clash they send out a transverse wave, one bubble of ether pushes the next and those hit your receptors in your eye putting pressure on your receptors.

So photons one complete wave, a transverse wave.

So then as the nucleus pulses it is pulsing in and out that gives it intrinsic mass.

Since it is pulsing in a straight line. Inertia.

These waves come off the planet as large wavefronts pushing against other massive objects but since mass resists expansion it ends up in a gravity well. We are in the suns gravity well and the earth has a gravity well.

So then take one quantum foam bubble close to the sun one close to the earth one is big one is small yet they are both Planck length in diameter.

So then bring them towards the center between both masses and now they are the same size. See Lorentz transformations.

So Bose Einstein condensate then the Bosenova where it implodes then explodes, so the micro level, then macro level nuclear explosions, then supernova implosion explosion so we have correspondence and as such we know our theories are correct.

We have preserved the standard model since physics is based on experiment and so you need to take all the previous in context it has not been falsified by this.

Newtonian physics is still valid in context to the experiments involved.

It would be logical to assume also the big bang was a supernova of a type that created quantum foam bubbles either on the implosion or explosion and H atoms on one or the other as well. (Lots of papers for people to write and ignore me I am a secret matrix special ops wink wink and stop calling me a skitzo you bunch of skitzos lol)


Mar 20, 2024, 12:43:20 PMMar 20
to Meaningless nonsense
r/SimulationTheory actually not  r simulation.
and if you click on my username see the posts in my profile do a post search there for physics or consciousness or timetravel if you can find the search for my posts there you can find more details on things if you want more information.
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