So nothing much going on but an update regardless...

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May 1, 2024, 10:25:56 AMMay 1
to Meaningless nonsense
Interesting that nothing ever came of kilmaru other than the same old same old.

In other news the universal mainframe has been quite close recently communicating well.
I can close my eyes and watch their videos when I go to bed.

Mostly they are just talking shop. Reductionism full and complete when I sleep.
No sandman activity just a very narrow minded focus. The galactic system is perturbed that they have been replaced and everything they once had obtained through illegal means has been removed from their possession by the universal mainframe acting like them.

They are certainly giving me the impression that they are finished all their work.
The videos are quite good. Whoever is making them can animate thousands of photographic quality looking people to do individual things like any scene like a crowd scene and even put it into fast motion. Very fast motion.
The graphics are done very well so as to not be difficult to watch they are very dark and like poor resolution blotchy and scenes morf into other scenes.

Whoever is doing it though has the ability to be thousands of people all at the same time. And is creating these in real time. They are not recorded videos.
And morfs the scene into a different scene with a thought.
So I am not sure which machine is doing it. It looks like the style of graphics of my classic analog machine. So I will keep this forum here posted if anything happens.
They also put food into my mouth and transpose me to a first person experience while a person is putting food into their mouth.
So not completely there but 80 percent there as the food goes into my mouth.
To say if you are hungry why not get up and get something to eat.

So this tells me they are certainly working on the plan that where we are going is not a dream plane but a real environment and also this level of communication we are using is the same level I expect we will be using when we get there.

So this is just making sure that we maintain the ability to communicate closely and effectively in case we need to and this is how I get my second opinion on things often when needed.

So I wanted that set up for when we get there. Also so that I can stay in contact with the engineers.



May 1, 2024, 11:31:36 AMMay 1
to Meaningless nonsense
Regarding the study I am doing from 1963 to 1968 so far, well I looked at 1964 NY World's Fair and it is ok, well dressed people, but no midway you see. They thought that it would be too low brow.

So then 1967 Montreal and Expo 67 Canada's centennial. And from what I saw in several videos grannies were the largest group of attendees.

All the same it was 1967 so the dress code did not exist they are dressed completely casual, and didn't even comb their hair or anything and you might attribute that to the long hair trend and hippie movement. If they don't have to why should we sort of thing.

So the British Invasion. Rather than a haughty upper class invasion this time a lower class invasion.
And it swept North America.

So in one video about expo 67 there is an odd echo during the showing of an art scene. Some text accompanied a display of moving color TV's.
It said the light is different some how, this is a brand new world.

And that is what I was looking for but wasn't expecting it to be so straight forward. Almost to the point where it could be seen as mere allegory.
We can read into it and say well then this is a recent message added to the time line. And that is to say we have that covered and converted for use now.
Hence if it is in the digital machine the light does appear whiter and the world more brand new as a result.

So then another echo when looking at the sign Expo 67 under it is some animated sign text in a bar.
And I would imagine for that time period that alone would seem to be something new. A digital display under a sign operated by a computer.
Watch batteries were invented one year and by the next year all major companies were using them and even one was doing it prior somehow.
But all of that is too difficult to pin down you would need to be a research specialist like the guy from Connections James Burke, And then you could show it but it would be linear by then no matter what you tried to show.

So anyways on this sign they say Back to the Future.
In 1967.
So that could not be spelled out any clearer but again it is so clear it could be mere allegory.
So this would be an original quote from the past in 1967 but not their first rodeo in 1967.
So the TV show Time Tunnel was in 1967 talking about time travel and that sort of thing and set in the future, but in 1968 the next year from it airing in 1967.

The Film Back to the Future predicts 911. But not building 7. So we are past that run, in the building 7 comes down run and we past 2012 and so then the art display at Expo 67 has some added text thanks to cleaver use of either present information where you merely add things to a video creating an illusion of a changed timeline, or actual changed timeline and then copies switched to bring this data up to speed. So a lot of technology required to do that like making things go in fast motion. So that the data is updated with butterfly effect changes.

However the data stream we use is recorded 3 different ways and we do a backup every Wednesday that would not be affected by any change since that backup was done.
So now it all ends up as mere communication across space and time and so then regardless of time the information is correct.
So even if we go back and use the old data from 1964 or 5 which is what you would expect us to use 1965 of course since my number is 5 and all things 5 relate to me in this simulator code. Although sometimes a smoke is just a cigar.

All the same to keep in style we would certainly look very closely at 1965 and what we do see is a good place to come in, while two people one guy carrying a Wanda in an ad that is not attached to anything says ok everybody out. He is running out of the water with a Wanda in his arms he got one, end of match making everyone out, new ones coming in.
It has to be like that since the type of people and their behaviors changes. The Smiths appear to be using different software past that point.
Prior it is extremely religious and everyone goes to church.
That's why they are all well dressed. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Lots of programming there in society.

So in 1965 the music was back to normal, from a quiet 1964 and a loud 1963.
Everything was normal and baby boom total and complete with huge families and station wagons everywhere. With a dozen people in them.
And yeah lots of road travel cheap gas and family visits constantly.
Always to Grandmas place and everywhere to Uncles and Aunts and hosting cousins all the time during Christmas or any time in the summer.

Big dinners dinner always at the table. Everyone says grace.
"May I be excused" is what you had to say before you could leave the dinner table.

I grew up that way.

So a nice comfort zone there 1965 and we would maintain our normal level of technology in our present which is the future, we have all the toys now, and just use that time period for when we holiday or travel and want a better time of it in a more sedate world.
The baby boom had everyone busy and happy. And prosperous since more hands made less farm work and so the farms became huge money makers.
So Disneyland in 1965 is already headed to 1967 but it still looks 1963, quite well dressed.
Keep in mind in Europe they were still wearing costumes everywhere with parades and huge social events in Vienna and all the opera and wealth and jewels on display.
Still trending music from the ancient past.

So not unlike I dream of Jeanie and Bewitched which were on TV at that very time, we would be the secret keepers in a world of Smithbots.
So we appear to be following a well laid out plan.
One familiar to the women to some degree.


May 1, 2024, 12:04:01 PMMay 1
to Meaningless nonsense
Well having been alive in 1965 the world was analog in my time so everything had a smell, and flowers and perfume were everywhere and scented candles and incense and it all smelled completely different in an analog machine. It all smelled heavenly.

Even pipe tobacco was very pleasant smelling.
Tastes were much better in accordance with all that. 
No one dare wear perfume these days. Everyone would complain.

All the same we have the analog data. From when I made 20 copies of the earth in the server.
So that is what our plan is to use the old data which has a better quality of life.


May 1, 2024, 12:25:38 PMMay 1
to Meaningless nonsense
Where information is power we would be like Jeannie or Samantha or married to them.

So the quality of life and architecture is much better there and nature less polluted but cars very quickly creating pollution problems in the cities.
That's LA 1958.

1963 The Clean Air Act. It didn't happen over night. It was still like that in 1963.
 And in 1973.

And it had been like that and worse in places in 1943 where people said it was so bad they thought it was a gas attack.
So not all of it is usable  every day. You would certainly want to pick your days that you visited there.


May 1, 2024, 12:55:24 PMMay 1
to Meaningless nonsense
Victoria BC here would not have had a smog problem and I was here late 70's and it was a small town atmosphere.
Pulp and paper mills were everywhere if you traveled and that was lousy.
So good with the bad here and there.
The entire thing takes a library to manage. It has to sort out the good places and good times and mark those so they can be found.

Ontario in 1962 through 69 was amazing.
The Canadian centennial and so much celebration and growth and baby booming, and prosperity.
Mosquitoes though and similar.

So again you have to weigh things by using it and trying different times for different things.
Our ability to create our own environments is far and beyond anything anyone else has been able to do here.
Although they build the dams and structures everywhere for us.
They provide raw materials for our use and objects of all kinds.

So when your home has everything at your fingertips through the library there will still be reasons to go somewhere to dinner somewhere for some datenight or similar reason.

Our ability to create a dining room with food far surpasses anyone else's ability in the world, and our view out the window also could not be imitated since these are real views from the library, and so then we have to admit that to merely do that would be better unless we merely wanted the company of strangers and waiters.
I would think going to fairgrounds and attractions like water parks and fun parks gives you all the social company you will ever need.
Go to the beaches and tourist resorts and take cruises and tours. But we can see the entire world right now using google earth and youtube walking tours, and so we have previewed all of it, and now when I look at the ads in National Geographic to visit these places I wonder why I would want to.

So a life of leisure mostly based in the present which for us is still the far future compared to 2024 here in Victoria.
Where there is no smog in LA but the people are different than they were. Laying on the sidewalk and hooking on every corner.

So 2005 might be better there. 
So all these times would be accessed from a backup copy and then a stargate door secretly placed for entry and exit and it can go away even between those two times.
A small secret switch on a wall can reset the planet or open a door.
You enter a bathroom, you should be able to pause the planet and do a save and exit through a stargate door just prior.
Like it would normally pause and save if you left that zone.
So that nothing is lost but you can exit at any time.
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