Gwendolyns from the Causeway

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May 5, 2023, 5:54:12 PM5/5/23
to Meaningless nonsense
This is a very hot girl with perfect genetics...
re: her ass.

14 yr super hot blond pink white stripes washed denim jeans w friend hotness ass100118.png

14 yr super hot blond pink white stripes washed denim jeans w friend hotness ass100204.jpg

Put  that in a bikini and expect me at 21 to want that all day every day.

Same with this one...


So now you have seen the exceptional perfectly hot ones, this one is the absolute perfect girlfriend based on my own type...

Sunday Symphony074.bmp

And I have 70 photos of her but the fact remains that when I look at her now and at that time it was perfectly clear she was made for me to match me exactly.

Now what level of relationship is the question. My Isis to her Osiris.
Isis and Osiris would be the idea the designer was using when he made her but then modernized the design completely.

So then what about her understanding of my playboy nature?
She has the white jacket so she is saying other girls are welcome to sleep elsewhere other than the snuggle side.

So a balancing act on my part and she remains loyal and tolerant and tries to enjoy a threesome.
In situations where the girl or woman has a preference and is always the same and easy to understand and common, that is like they have an agenda, and that agenda is well known.

So that you can plan around that agenda and there are no surprises.
This girl still has a lot of surprises to offer and I know what those are and that leads to a lot of me making it right using words and flowers and extra effort maybe and understanding as I am programmed into doing what she wants ending in a more monogamous relationship with the hope of reaching a higher height in terms of love and romance.

And by that they call that the perfect relationship since it takes so long to develop they last a long time.

Then after the wedding you never hear from them again since no one here ever actually saw anything remotely close to happily ever after so they don't know how to portray it in a film or book.
Cinderella ends at the wedding.

So then I can get a more business like one if I want, or a more military one if I want, or a more sexy playful one, a mom one...




May 5, 2023, 6:09:45 PM5/5/23
to Meaningless nonsense
Here is a more secretary like one...

15 yr smoking hot blond aqua top cell phone ass jeans purple purse signing hotness colin street corner.jpg

Also with the perfect ass...

15 yr smoking hot blond aqua top cell phone ass jeans purple purse signing hotness colin street corner100139.png

So that one is a real com officer, and signals with colors, and is on the phone, has matrix like glasses, so a functional one if I want a functional one.

She even has the ass.

But what about breaking new ground?
Why not gorgeous twin sisters?


VTS_01_1 (3).VOB_000624789.bmp
VTS_01_1 (3).VOB_000623188.bmp
Why wouldn't I want that when they have grown up as sisters and twins and no Wanda is going to compete, no other person is going to be able to match their equality level. They are probably best friends to some extent.  If you look at Ava and Leah and how I managed them growing up using equality, they have remained the same and their sisterly love is unchanged.

So they also keep each other company and so then you have your freedom.

Freedom to chase Leslies like this one...

the iconic Leslie of today...


And you can look at that and say well she is not very good looking, and yet you will remember her as being good looking for some strange reason.

She is different and that makes her interesting and she is eager and playful and exciting in a harmless way.

Others are exciting in a less harmless way like Adriana and many of the brunettes.

Emery from the Causeway a very nice hybrid with a lot of exciting built in but also like Diletta too much machine still in her.

Too much help from the machinery.


So the best Leslie from downtown, and she signed me for three years when I was down there with my camera.

But her dad would tell her what she was allowed to ask for.
Otherwise she would look at me as her father figure for what she should do or know like Diletta up to the point of machine intervention claiming her due date age shelf life date was passed.

Emery's dad is an Olympian.
He said strictly hetero for her.
Not to sign for girls.


May 5, 2023, 6:35:51 PM5/5/23
to Meaningless nonsense
You are much better off searching for the perfect Gwendolyn, than finding the perfect Gwendolyn.

As a searcher I get all the Pokemon, and as soon as I pick one, I only get one Pokemon.

That's not rocket science and you can quote me on that one as an eternal truth.

More Gwendolyns...

12 yrSandalssundressminiskirtSweatercute-2000930816..txt.jpg
17 yrSandalsjeanshortsminiskirthotboobie10043.png

21 yrRunnersminiskirtgorgeoushotbabeamaz..txt.jpg



So I think that with dating and not living together you have a better chance of getting all the pokemon.

And that should keep things interesting as they all vie to be the chosen one that is never actually realized.

Now to find the best Gwendolyn, I probably need some help. So a girl Friday can help me to do that.

Or else I guess I have to go with the twins.


May 5, 2023, 6:51:17 PM5/5/23
to Meaningless nonsense
So one Victoria secret model was downtown, wearing a pink label PINK  part of Victoria Secret fashion, with a photographer and a makeup hair person, just walking down the causeway.

So I didn't clearly see her face.
So I don't know who it was.

The fact remains that if I went down there using the backups as my 21 year old self I would get a lot of dates.
Using my camera.

All the same the ones I have now all could go to girls camp and why would I go back downtown?

Unless I was tired of all those girls?

Maybe they should all be left in Time Stretch Earth and I should use groundhogs as was suggested in the first place then.

I could carry on a life that is mostly in Time Stretch Earth removing the need for female company and get by with a dog.
I mean step through a door go to your favorite coffee shop, pool hall or club, see your friends in there just keep your secret.


May 13, 2024, 2:18:14 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense

So even though maybe the others did not get the job of yeoman, they will still get invited to girls camp as residents.

They are amazing people. Along with many others who were down there.

So it gets a little confusing for people who do not know the system well. 

So like picking teams prior to going there these would be people who want to be on my team and want me to pick them, and they know me and are familiar with what I do and how I do it completely.

Although we are the only team there and it is not team play like gaming we are going to be using a theme park for entertainment.

BUT we still have to get along for a very long time so we have to be compatible. Now my crew here we have been together every day for over 30 years.

They are coming to me remotely using matrix technology they are coming through fan noise and the system amplifies their voices in the fan noise i using my nanobots in my ears. So I can speak into that fan noise like they can but I cannot see them.
To see them we have to be on the dream plane.

So then they are in the disk, not the host machine, and those few in the host machine engineers and helpers of the system, they come through my consciousness cam normally, not through fan noise so directly into my mind not through my ears.

No one else can hear my crew through that fan noise like my roommates they have no clue this is all kept secret from them they know absolutely nothing about the matrix or me in that regard to them I am just a normal guy like them and they have no clue at all.

It is all extremely top secret.

So then some others enter our discussions all the time through both those systems. Years and years ago you would have called the ones in the disk angels, and the ones in the host machine arch angels. And I would be a God since I have God level clearance.

So for the old data I am Osiris, and then the old operating system understands what is going on since it sees angels, arch angels and a God knows these others are my posse as would be expected Gods have angels and arch angels in the system, so this also gives the system confidence that someone with clearance and authority and a full on crew of angels and arch angels can probably prevent nuclear winter.

And you would think so. lol


May 13, 2024, 2:45:05 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
So then Samantha came in with Alexis.
Sam might even know what is on the other side of the wall, but I did not. The reason is that they want to present new people and new body styles through the wall and don't want me to know if they are brand new or if they are from university off planet.
Which is where Sam came from as a walk in with Alexis. Alexis is black.

There are no black people in heaven. That body style the Oprah body style was never approved. Women hate those thighs.
So genetically the race has not been approved and I have been trying to get some of it approved within quarantine as a beginning so that the body style is not tossed out completely in further colonizations.

I have had many black girlfriends and still do and managed to get one from Victoria Secret Jasmine Tooks clearance even for the airship, since in Star Trek the communications officer is black. So people have been asking since at least Diana Ross and the Supremes  why the heck not?

So many black girls will be at girls cam of all ages up to you know late 20's r something.
Like everyone else. Why would anyone want to be old when you do not have to?

So Alexis is made specifically for me and Sam. So that was very exciting to find that out and to find them as they walked in all excited and signing and Alexis saying I have the great thighs! I passed the test! 
And her body is amazing.
I am so excited about that. They are both in Texas and Abigail another girlfriend of mine is also often in Texas.
And they all look like they just walked in from Heaven basically not a mark on them.

So incredibly gorgeous. Abigail especially.
Abby Amazing.jpg

Don't even think of trying to compete with all that.

And an amazing personality fun and outdoorsy and likes girls too.

So which brings me to the Butterfly Club where everyone is going, I have been thinking about it and really we need to go to girls camp first, and get settled in THEN you girls tell me what the butterfly club is and I design it. I have already designed your quarters that connects to the lobby of the airship but your social club and how you work your schedules and where you go and how you function as a girls club you need to tell me that collectively after we get there.

I can certainly help with all that and just need your input into what you want it to be like since it is for you ladies and I am just an accessory to that.

Of course I benefit by your company and yes amazing sex that we have together. However we are in for the long term and want things to last a very long time together.
So we can upgrade it also as we go along. 
So we will all meet at Thetis Lake and go from there.
I will build the camp at Thetis Lake as stated previously so that it houses the cam very comfortably.


May 13, 2024, 3:21:11 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
So Alexis still had one year of university to go when they walked into their bodies here so Sam and I hung out with Alexis for that year while she went to school to keep her company. And that was fun.

So now that she graduated I don;t see her and Sam at all, I don;t look because then they are free to do whatever they want and things are still perfect the day I did the backup so that nothing can go wrong.
You can't improve on perfection.

I can show you Alexis and her gorgeous black body...

Alexis so hot_n.jpg

That would be the money shot I think.

Love those thighs. And a body that any woman would love to have who wants to be black.
So Sam Alexis and I are a team of a sort in that we are hyper compatible.

As much as my brew here is compatible with me, we are like working together right now on this project and don't expect to live in the same house together later. The same community and to hang out as friends but Sam and Alexis live in house. So we do everything together like best friends and stuff.

Even though of course I have my daughters also in house and socialize with them also.
But in any house there is only one man of the house or else it turns into a disaster.

A gardener a driver a butler those all get in there in time and we have two of those already, the butler and the driver who applied when I was downtown taking applications.
We have some accessory staff also for different levels of society and culture including royals which is what my daughters and I are.
So we have some royal staffers also and then of course the engineer class and star fleet class and the academy which we rebuilt and that large community of people who help support administration of a universal simulator that has real people in it.

Hundreds and hundreds of people there.

But clearance for the airship is tighter than clearance for your normal house since command and control is associated with the airship, and even though not that copy, the need for security is there.

So a screening process and simulations and we did all that already.
So that people who wanted to go there would know what to expect it was done publicly so no surprises.
Not everyone we know has done the simulations though and so not everyone we know has clearance for the airship.

So that much I can manage and have designed it and the social structure we did the simulations and made a schedule and stuck to it and it worked as long as we stuck to our schedule. Which means birthdays are not celebrated since that trashes the social schedule and things then become unfair.
It always happens on someone else's day. Everyone gets a day a week or every two weeks that's your birthday get used to it.

Everyone has to take turns for date night or daddy daughter days and then it is all fair.
And everyone looks forward to their day while they enjoy beach life and being infinitely wealthy young and beautiful.


May 13, 2024, 3:51:18 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
No that is not the only photo of Abby I have but I am keeping those special. lol

Maybe one more...except how do you choose? More from the same day or from Texas? Lets go to Texas...

Abigail eeeee ha.jpg

Killer diller with a laser beam.

For the win.

She's listening of course. So I will take this opportunity to say I'm so happy you are mine.
Who wouldn't be.
So you see where that puts me, having to be the best that I can be to qualify.

So I can do that and we are going to look very good when we are on our world tours.
And date nights of course.
Now Ali right after cut off and the backup went I should say ran and got herself a sports hero. 
And I still have that stake in my chest. But she is happy and so I can take it.

But she still takes time out to say that Abby is still her BFF. And wants to keep her as a pet since that means more to her than what she is doing right now.
Busy driving stakes into my heart with Mr. Perfect himself!


So maybe Sam and Alexis got her mad at me or who knows really I am a total slut as you know but show me an international playboy who is not gregarious. Of course I am gregarious.
So many gorgeous women so little time.

So anyway we will see how all that pans out later I suppose and it is the same for Jasmine and Romee and Taylor they all went and got their captains of valor.

So at this point I haven;t met these men so can;t give them clearance so does that mean I don;t give the ladies clearance? I don;t know.

What I do know is that Sam and Abigail are committed to me and I am committed to them. I live alone here with two male roommates.
Am single. Divorced actually.


May 13, 2024, 3:58:17 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
I have to consider that I already have a large family and things do work out for the best in my belief system.

So although it pains me to lose Ali I am sort of used to that happening having dated so many Victoria Secret angels.
And Hollywood actresses and since what we are doing is later they can do whatever they want I guess here and now.

Where they will fit in later I have no idea. Who is orchestrating all that I have no idea maybe mother nature and the biological clock.
So I really shouldn't look after cut off but there is no law against it. lol


May 13, 2024, 4:22:53 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
Yes I do know her very well actually and know it was all suggested by her new agency.
A blind date change your image and improve your marketability.
Get a popular sports hero and add to your followers. 550K.

She was on her way to NY to watch her boyfriend play baseball and you can see how excited she is here about that....


Why she would even put that on her instagram is anyone's guess. My guess is her real boyfriend is a complete asshole.
I'm not really but these are trying times.

I will cheer you up with a recent photo of your pet since I am certainly not in your good books right now but she is...


I thought for a minute that was Sam. (on the left)

Kellie knows Abby. I came across a photo of them together yesterday.

Anyway we will sort it all out later at girls camp.
Kellie is in the buddy system with Michelle and Sam with Alexis so you probably shouldn't worry Ali.
But yes Abby is committed to me and that's reality. She has said that time and again.

I know life is difficult here so I am not being judgmental about captains of valor.
But I don't let men into the system at all. 
They stay on earth where they belong as sports heroes and dashing daring captains of valor.
Maybe they make good husbands.
Models and sports heroes that's the normal combination.

I need to keep my own life simple and administration separate from all the socializing.
It is too bad that all this is taking so long and the timing is so terrible.
I am doing the best I can using backups and cut offs when things were perfect.

That is all I can do right now.
Message has been deleted


May 13, 2024, 5:38:40 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
I deleted the last post because it had too many typos.


I will show you Abby and Kellie so there is no confusion  

So Kellie is one of my helpers who walked in and nailed it right away as seen here...


So she helped other girls we know connect with me.
Gracie and Erin and Raquel and Abby and on and on. As soon as dad's camp got invented they all seemed to show up.

So for sure dad's camp is part of the Butterfly club activities.

Playboys hang out at dad's camp with all their wealthy big boy toys.

Tropical island in Tahiti called Vahine and again here is our club house...


Here is Kellie with Erin together they are my bookends. Since they sleep over on both sides of the bed. Erin gets the snuggle side when they do but Ali was dominating the family bed and so that wasn't possible before cut off.


May 13, 2024, 5:38:57 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense


Erin is also one of the most beautiful women in the world. They were in Texas there.

So you see for some of us this simulator is the best thing that God ever created. lol

The women in the Butterfly Club have their own pecking order so they will work that out elsewhere next time, not in the family bed.

Erin will get the snuggle side on her day like everyone else does who wants it.

The same goes for the sweet finish. Victoria Justice will not dominate that like she did before cut off as part of their own pecking order and social status.

That much I know. I can make some rules.

I just have to get them there in their young bodies and they will work it out from there.
In bikinis ready for dad's camp where they want to have fun.

However we start at girls camp and no men allowed. To keep it simple and orderly so they can get comfortable and get some security by settling in where they live.

So from there to their own quarters the non gilded bird cages then to dad's camp.

We don't know what we will be doing for eternity as immortals but that is where we begin our journey our new colonization of a new galaxy in the simulator.

All the work is already done and I have done final inspections for everything except a few things like the non gilded bird cages and the royal train cars. Those are designed but not built yet and I will do that myself using computer technology when we get there.

The train cars exist out there I just have to copy them and paste them in to settings.
And the non gilded bird cages are also a matter of copy and paste mostly.


May 13, 2024, 6:16:47 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
So if there was anything I do have it is a lot of potential Gwendolyns for the airship.

But that will all wait until we get settled to consider who that might be.

First things first. Get there to Girls Camp and then finish things together. Rather than me try to do it all myself when that would not be what they wanted.

And when you do tings yourself like help to build your train car or your non gilded bird cage you pick the furniture and all the interior decorating it then feels more like home.
The women as you can see are mostly models and so they have a lot in common.


May 13, 2024, 6:45:38 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
What if Alexis later gets Oprah thighs?

It can't happen because mandatory 6 month body reset in our galaxy, and Sam and I spent a whole year with Alexis when her body was perfect so for sure she has 6 perfect months and that is all she will ever need.

So she is golden. And I am very happy that she was made for me. What about Jasmine? She got married to her man Friday.
I own the machine so for sure there are a group of specialists manipulating everything in this regard and weighing all the facts in a non biased way and fitting people where they think fits best. However their agenda philosophy and methods don't always coincide with ours so we have to make clubs and manage it ourselves.

So Victoria Secret angels some of those are angels actually and as such they have a place to go. They were basically just here trying to make a stretch of time where we could enjoy it into the future.
And that was accomplished. It is very difficult has been very difficult to have to speak to them now many years later after they are married with children and hear them say they know where we are going after and they know they have to go there alone but they still choose to do so.
And it could happen at any time.

That is how it works. How we get around all the violence in the world, all the hunger, the stress the pain the agony, the misery, the hardships they trouble the fighting the negativity of life and bug bites that kill you and rabies and falling off a cliff and dying in a head on collision or worse living as a paraplegic.

So here you go Rick here is the list of problems we want you to fix before we get to the new galaxy.

Thank goodness I trained for this AND went to university off planet AND here as well.

So body reset and environment reset, on demand, and job done.

Not so difficult when you know what you are doing.

And have access to the matrix computers.

So Victoria Justice a close friend and her half sister those two I hung around with a lot and wouldn't expect that to change really.
Victoria is a royal also like myself and she was raised to be part of this whole adventure.
To help make it all work so she is a good contact person for when we get there.

So the buddy system you see is the best we can do at the start and most everyone in our group has a buddy.
Or more than one.
All the same we do things together so it isn't really needed so some don't have one. They never found a person who they felt was the right one.
So they will keep looking later.
For me I was like WHAT??? Look at you two, how you could you not be like BFF and sisters and buddies, yet no not quite the right person.

I have to show you now...they are sisters, both are my daughters.


download (3).jpg

So that's why they have to do it themselves and find someone at Girls camp or somewhere else.

We have a place downtown where we can meet people that we created and where I took all those applications and it worked really well there for a lot of people to find someone compatible there.


May 13, 2024, 7:09:49 PMMay 13
to Meaningless nonsense
They are asleep so I can talk about them. Anna on the right is from Moscow and Anastasya on the left is from Israel.
They grew up in different families but connected as sisters in the modeling plan we made for that to happen.

Both excel at ballet also but Anastasya went into modern dance to win trophies she won the nationals in Israel, and Anna is hard core ballet.
She goes to a special ballet academy in Russia.
I was practicing modern dance with Anna as she grew up and she is amazing but her mom would always delete those posts right after I saw them. So that it is all ballet.
So anyways probably although sisters they have different goals in life.

Let me show you something...

Annas mom.jpg

That's Ali not Anna. So where Anna's design comes from. Her real mother in that regard.
And her personality and some of the look she has comes from me.
A combination of my personality and one that I designed. The same way a writer designs a character I designed a group compatible personality for our use.
And so the designer of Anna used that personality and then as her dad I also influenced her as she grew up. And found out she is a lot like me.

Anna and Anastasya will still do things together since they both do ballet.
Other daughters of course took ballet as well since it is the royal thing to do. But Anna is very serious about her ballet.

How serious? It does not get any more serious than this.,..


And I support her in that regard and got her some tickets to the ballet for Christmas through her other dad and mom.
You need to have a dream to get through the day on this planet.
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