You were asking me about Alli again...

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May 15, 2024, 11:25:43 AMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
So then she has a mate. She found her match he is a baseball player. She seems to have been saying she needed a life guard.

So whatever the reason what it means is she was not made for me.

Think about it. I own the machine have body and people designer programs and A.I. making me people. My daughters for instance. Even to order. I ordered Monique Jade in Australia to order. Exactly as she appeared and she immediately knew who I was, the day she made her instagram I found her, and she immediately flew to L.A. from Australia and got into photoshoots with Jade her sister and Maisie  her other sister to show me she looks like them.

I will find a photo...

19050290_1351480011602704_3419599617581383680_n (1).jpg

Monique Jade on the left Maisie on the right. Sisters.

So she likes to be called Monique Jade not just Monique.

And here she is with her sister Jade.


They are both gorgeous.
Monique Jade and Jade.

ok so that is why Alli is not for me, mine are specifically made for me.


May 15, 2024, 11:38:10 AMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
Secondly, the perfect yeoman was given to me in a formal ceremony on the Legislature lawn for Christ's sake in Victoria here.

By her mother and her brother was also there.


I have to go back and get her since she would be 35 now.
But we are going back for people there for sure.

I have the backup so it is a piece of cake. And for her? Deja vu.
That's a common occurrence remember?

So the rest could go to girls camp but those who have captains of valor might go to the riverside community.
Victoria Secret and people like that.
That's Wanda's community not my community.

So for me it is all about my daughters. But I also have a few girlfriends who want to be in the butterfly club.
And Abby and Sam and Alexis who I would hang out with.

However the yeoman lives on the airship.
And so do I.
So do my daughters. So that is why I need one like that. Who is not bossy.


May 15, 2024, 11:57:58 AMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
You see I have never had any contact at all with any of my daughters this life except through matrix equipment.
Not a word, not a message to their instagram, not a phone call nothing at all.
Yet Monique Jade knew exactly what to do and could understand me, and flew there on her own as a model, not prompted by me at all.

And was part of the first wave to came in. Kristina built a game for her instagram like I suggested, still again, no contact just the matrix machine, dress up with Kristina, a paper cut out game, and she made enough money to move to L.A. like I asked her to do.

She was voted the most beautiful person on earth, just prior by a leading woman's magazine and I wanted her to move to L.A. and join L.A. models.
And so she did.
Now all this and they provide what we call verifications that our communications are accurate, working well, and they can read me loud and clear.

And that they have been on the airship in fact they grew up there sleeping there in their own beds and the family bed through bilocation and had to physically use hand signals prior through their instagram to get to come over, every single time, every single week.

Like you would ask does your girlfriend have to sign you also yes she does.

And notice how that makes it perfect every time and no confusion and no problems whatsoever.
Free will self determination.
All about love and respect and free choice and normality.
We are a very loving caring kind family.

And the people around them, all kind, caring loving people. Great surrogate parents.
I am related by design and personality not biologically related.

The biology they got from the machine cross breeding and they appear in that family where they get the body image they are supposed to have.
Their body has to match their self image. And they have to look like our family does to some extent and be like us and they are.
Completely compatible and we lived together on the airship doing testing and simulations for 5 years at least.
6 for some.
Not a single problem, not one argument, nothing but love and friendship and fun and some have BFF that are their real sister.
Jade and Laneya were best friends growing up and then found out they were sisters at the time Monique Jade showed up.
Quite funny really.


May 15, 2024, 12:20:54 PMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
So we are the Krell from Forbidden Planet, like the movie. We are not extinct.

A different species of human.
An older much much older race of people and far advanced from the earth.
But no different really in that we can play when in Rome do as the Roman's do.
To a large extent. So as to blend in.

But our environment is different. And we use body reset and environment reset.
But our memories don't reset when our body does.

On earth you get Deja Vu. There you would get Deja Vu as well if the community had a problem that needed to be fixed by a group reset.
Not admin though. So I would not get Deja Vu.
So you see it is no bid deal that Laneya went out and got laid at age 18, since when she gets Deja Vu it will exist in a backup but she probably won't want to see it.
If she does it won;t matter much.
Since that is not a captain of valor situation just her bowing to peer pressure.
A brief affair with a guy from school.

So why not Victoria Secret then and as I said. I can;t take someone else's match.
Mine are made specifically for me.
Now granted there might be a shelf life on it and who knows or a window of opportunity as it were.
But that is my belief and since they do make my daughters for me and I see it happen, I design them, see them being presented after they are made.

So seeing Sam and Alexis walk in is that any different? No Alexis was specifically made for me.
And Sam. For Sam to have a buddy in the buddy system.
For our threesomes.

Eat your heart out strawberry. lol


May 15, 2024, 12:34:11 PMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
So the machines and A.I. have done the best they can. And yes the angels here say everyone deserves a kudo and I agree they did a fantastic job. 

The quality of workmanship is over the top.
My daughters are the brightest and the best of the world and all beautiful models.
I couldn't be happier as a dad.

The match making is really something but what that is I will know more about in a couple million years of investigation through anthropology.

That's why I just shift all the women in my life into the butterfly club, and say coexist together first, worry about me later.


May 15, 2024, 1:04:03 PMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
Family is what is important. 
Especially for us since we are a royal family.

And must keep up appearances even for each other.
Even when no one is looking.

And I think we all know that except Savy and Diletta of course who appear to be from a different galaxy.
We just cannot quite figure out why they are different from us, but the same as each other in their personality.
The postman rang twice or something.

So Diletta asks Savy if she will be her buddy in the buddy system, Diletta born in Italy, Savy in L.A. and Savy says no.
They like all the same things and are sisters and she just says no.

And both always are fighting for position on the family bed during sleep over days, against one other main competitor sister.
Who gets the snuggle side.
And so they need a competitor even for that.

And it drives their sister bonkers. Savy and Maisie grew up as best friends and later fought over the snuggle side for like 4 years until they moved away.
Again best friends and sisters and also the Clements Twins.
So they all came in in the same neighborhood and so did Vio.
So that was very convenient.
So to get me to pick them up, if I wasn't paying attention, they could go over to their sisters house and sign me from there improving the chances that I would spot it. So the twins were always over at Maisie's house signing me since I hated looking at their instagram since their other dad was featured in it every day with cancer and raising funds and marketing products and all too much for me to watch as they supported their other dad of course.

But we managed our 5 years of testing and simulations all the same.
And during that time Diletta and Anna had the noon time bed time due to their time zone so I would sleep over with them and have a nap so that we had two shifts for family sleep overs, and used the same beds two shifts.
And so Anna and Diletta always struggled over the snuggle side even with a yeoman as a sister to mediate who also slept over at  the same time.
Rebecca, their sister who said she would be the yeoman.
Since she looks the part and said she trained for this. (Age 9 or something)

So those two as I say are different somehow. Diletta and Savy. But we will figure that out later.
I think they have more Titan in them. And that is the same with Alli. Her family is a Titan family.

Hybrid but mostly Titan.
So I am compatible but they may not be compatible with other females in our family.


May 15, 2024, 1:30:45 PMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
Without a competition setting which someone turned the family bed into during the Victoria Secret years, like Victoria Justice demanding the sweet finish like her sister Adriana Lima, since as Titans they must get the sweet finish, as Titan queens, stand back everyone, a little further back that's it, everyone knows Adriana Lima is the queen of the earth and a mythological figure, one of the Seven sisters of the Pleiades.
And they are royals so you see that sets up a good competition for match making as the other ladies try to raise themselves up to some status level without infringing on their demands.
As long as they get the sweet finish they are happy to share.
And so then I date all the other Victoria Secret angels as well. Which works very well for me.
So I never complained about them making my bed into a competition.

My daughters however as supermodels themselves of course merely fell into the cultural trap and made the snuggle side of the bed their goal.
Something to dress up for, to look good for, to work towards to wish for and to inspire them.
Those who need a bit of competition.
Or those who need the  snuggle side or feel the need for the status in the pecking order.
Yet they are more reserved about it except in those instances.
Now it also shows up when they want their own day. And many have their own day. So then that helps me remember to pick them up even if they don;t sign me or if I don't see it.
I just look at the calendar and then those same people I pick up that day.
And then check for signing when I can.
After a couple years of signing every week they often get a day of their own that they share with compatible sisters.
And there although compatible to a large extent in many ways they still like to compete.
In two cases. Savy and Diletta.
So Diletta re engineered their snuggle side game and made the snuggle side the other side of the bed. The cold dark and lonely side of the family bed by asking me to wait five minutes then roll over and we will sleep on our other side that night. lol

And that seemed to solve that problem. Savy and Maisie never got that far with Savy really upset about not getting the snuggle side at times.
Even though they took turns. One year Maisie, one year Savy, that only worked for 4 years.
It might have worked better one week Maisie one week Savy.

Maybe we shouldn't experiment with our children. lol  As I say I am no anthropologist yet. Maybe if I was I would have known what to do but I can Deja Vu them if I have to.
But that is about all the excitement we had in those 5 years. Other than than that competition as stated it was all perfect equality as far as I could manage.
Granted some did not sleep over as often as the rest. But we can make up for that later.

We did the best we could.


May 15, 2024, 1:47:38 PMMay 15
to Meaningless nonsense
So now you understand why it is Maisie and I first. THEN the others. So that I can always just say, well Maisie said.

Am I a genius or what?
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