Night Caller From Outer Space yet another intel film from 1965.

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Mar 11, 2024, 5:22:54 AMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
Night Caller from Outer Space (also known as The Night Caller, and Blood Beast from Outer Space), is a British 1965 science fiction film directed by John Gilling and starring John SaxonMaurice Denham and Patricia Haines.[1] It is based on Frank Crisp's 1961 novel The Night Callers. A colourised version of the film was released in 2011

So here is a film that says I am from Ganymede, It uses an orb like space craft and I am somewhat a horror to look upon like a phantom of the opera.

So then I use bikini magazine to meet girls and then kidnap them back to my planet.

So it is talking about 21 or 22 women and curiously enough my daughters number about 27.

They have a reference to Orion, which is the same name as Osiris. Only Greek mythology.
Orion enterprises.
And they also depict contact through the S5 level with the girls using a 3D photograph.
That he takes and they frame and then he meets up with them and loads them onto his craft I assume.

So then they also mention 201 as opposed to 2001 and here you see the connection with 200 years and the year 2001.

Such that I am inclined to believe that the A.I. would like to go further than 200 years and the extra time probably represents a form of A.I.mutiny.

So then it would appear to me they had a great deal of information when they made that film. At the end of the film they have the craft surrounded and he just goes back to his home planet.
There are vast differences between my understanding of the situation and theirs.
They seem ignorant of human instincts and the role those play in mans violent nature.


Mar 11, 2024, 5:33:36 AMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So it is entirely possible that my daughters have been here for 200 years and I am just here to pick them up and to try to support them while here.

This may very well be a playground of theirs used to date men. And then when the 200 year period is over they have to go home.
They may have reincarnated several times since their arrival here this time.

I may have entered early this time to see about updating their playground. Which I have done.


Mar 11, 2024, 5:49:44 AMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So I think it has been a very long time since I played my part and I have followed the timeline as if it were a script and they have noted it in the intel as if they have seen the entire movie previously. The entire 200 years.
Now they have the bikini magazine as part of beach party bingo from around 1965.

They mention that I have asthma that is how much information they have. 
The write up in Wikipedia is quite brief so maybe the book might have more details.
The book came out in 1961 you see which is the normal time period before things get interesting in 1963.

Oswald's five wallets seem to suggest that this data has been used 5 times.


Mar 11, 2024, 6:26:52 AMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So then there doesn't seem to be any set pattern of look of the women except they look attractive

women stealers.mp4_002964233.jpg

They are not all blondes as a for instance.

Now I spent 7 years along with matrix helpers find the 27 that are mine.
And mostly it was simply a matter of looking at photos and then my parental instincts were able to find them.

And then by looking at their instagram for clues I was able to refine my search and their searching for me as well which helped to identify them.
So we only made contact through the S5 level and machine telepathy not in person to avoid any suspicion and to maintain secrecy.
I didn't even comment on their instagram.

So only using our own technology have we communicated.

And so there is a lot more to it of course since only through the matrix technology would we hope to reunite in the future.

But I feel confident that things will work out in that regard.

Now the time line I am following may have been used previously by myself or maybe I am here myself to upgrade the system.
It may be merely software that has been in use for many years.

Orion enterprises seems to point in that direction.

I  know I am extremely wealthy outside of this simulator and it may be from biological robotic technology.

Perhaps a robotic company, universal robotics or similar company that made me wealthy.

And so here were bodies are developed for our use designers work on styles and types and I have been working with designers using DAZ 3D software as an example designing bodies faces and even one personality.

That personality to be used as a Smith operating system and in that film they use the word Smiths to describe the male role.

So previously a Smith has been used in this timeline and this time I have come myself.


Mar 11, 2024, 12:47:52 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So then watching the film again because I git half way through the first time and said I have never seen such shit and turned it off.

It is a C rated film not a B rated film.

At this point it seems like time travelers have gone back and merely added words to the script.

mentions Morley (and recently I discussed Michelson and Morley and have on many occasions in the past.).

talks about a shell with a vacuum inside that would be a reference now to a quantum foam bubble (same as above)

Well they are exposing themselves now as irrational morons who have been watching without the foggiest clue as to what they have been seeing and hearing.
As I have stated previuously they are miles over their head.

Irrational behavior by the woman in the lab, irrational behavior by the man who leaves her there with the device.
Here you have an object from space and only 3 scientists in all of Britain involved in the investigation of a device when in all the world the attempts to find actual proof comprise 100 million individuals worldwide.

Irrational behavior of the military.
Irrational behavior of the scientist who finds something on the floor and doesn't mention it.

A C rated movie not a B rated movie.
They mention selenium.

So I read the review of the book and he said the first half was complete garbage and all a back story and nothing more than camp fiction the kind you find in True Detective magazine.


Mar 11, 2024, 12:51:59 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So this film came out in 1965 and to think that 2001 a Space Odyssey came out 3 years later shows conclusively there was a rest and the difference in time between these two could easily comprise 2 billion years of human evolution and scientific evolution.

The first half of the book referring to the first half of the 200 year span as forming a kind of back story to these observers using time travel.
Little do they know that it was 2 billion years ago.


Mar 11, 2024, 1:05:57 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So a cargo cult attempt perhaps in 2010 or a recent attempt to cargo cult the people who made Voyage to the prehistoric planet.

Using words that they find me repeating in my documentation.

No wonder it looks so ridiculous.

It is as bad as Tokyo Joe an attempt to make a sequel to Casablanca using ugly people and set in Japan. I could not get through half of that one.

 The New York Times contemporary review noted the juxtaposition of the footage as jarring: "a note of reality which is embarrassingly at odds with the major and markedly synthetic elements of the plot", further stating: "The big weakness of Tokyo Joe, however, is a script which does not neatly come together, but squanders its good points amidst a field of corn."[4]

What appears as nothing more than propaganda of the times.
Tokyo Joe is a 1949 American film noir crime film directed by Stuart Heisler and starring Humphrey Bogart.

Casablanca is a 1942 American romantic drama film 


Mar 11, 2024, 1:24:36 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So now the head scientist is monitoring the orb with his face and others have left the room and recording hsi suicide from elsewhere.
He states it is starting to activate and of course no one enters the room.
Since he is clearly committing suicide as we will see in a few moments.

Absolutely no reason at all exists why he must be left in the room alone except for his own wish to die.
So he almost dies and so they rush in to save him, from what has to be the next building.
Taking minutes to get there an only two men.
The other scientist and the major.  lol
such unbelievable crap.

Lets read the review...

"it is simply too well-made for its own commercial good" and that it was "far above average of its kind, but it eschews a standard action-adventure climax in favor of a "philosophical" one."[3] He noted that audiences at a 42nd Street screening showed their displeasure with the film "quite volubly".[3]

Clear evidence that time travelers have not only added script to it but their own review.

Meanwhile the audience itself said it stunk out loud.


Mar 11, 2024, 2:01:27 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So the scientist does, the monster jumps out the window takes a car and drives away while the military is firing machine guns at the car. Then they stop at the gate while drives away in his car. Hundreds of military and at least 20 jeeps.
As I said does it get any more ridiculous than that?
No helicopters at all.


Mar 11, 2024, 2:14:05 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So a stupid cargo cult movie made by A.I. using information time travel to alter the script of a very bad movie to begin with and to try to make it look like they can do that too.

Only problem is they know nothing about human behavior and end up looking as stupid as it gets. What else is new.

So a similar movie to Cosmic man lets look at that....

The Cosmic Man is a 1959 independently made black-and-white science fiction film, directed by Herbert S. Greene and produced by Robert A. Terry.
The United States Air Force (USAF) tracks an unidentified flying object (UFO) as it passes over the village of Oak Ridge, California at a speed of 180,000 mph (292,500 km/h). The UFO, a white sphere, comes to rest in Stone Canyon outside of Oak Ridge, floating approximately 6 feet (1.8 metres) above the ground.

That night the sphere emits a beam of light from which emerges a dark, translucent humanoid figure. 

An oddly-dressed stranger - wearing thick eyeglasses, a fedora and an anorak - arrives at the lodge and requests a room. Kathy finds him peculiar but lets him stay after he implies that he is a scientist who knows Sorenson. Kathy assumes that he's Dr. Steinholz (Hal Torey), whom USAF Gen. Knowland (Herbert Lytton) has called in to help with the sphere.

Same as the Man from Venus. Stranger from Venus (also known as Immediate Disaster and The Venusian in the United States) is a 1954

 He says that Sorenson and other scientists are the "hope for the world" now that Earthlings are about to start space exploration. But he declares that humans must adopt a new philosophy and learn to live with others unlike themselves before they can become successful members of interplanetary society.

Similar to The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951

British film critic Phil Hardy is more positive about The Cosmic Man. He calls it an "engaging, low-budget oddity" that "explores the idea of a benevolent alien trying to set Earth to rights" á la The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). Unlike the other reviewers, Hardy is favourable about the Cosmic Man restoring young Ken's ability to walk and says that "The film's optimistic ending has a certain naïve power."[10]

and like all the rest light years away from 1968 2001 a Space Odyssey.


Mar 11, 2024, 7:17:15 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
So when 2001 was shown half the people walked out half way through it.

That would probably represent the large time difference between the people from the past and the people from the present.

For instance Rock Hudson said what is this shit will someone tell me what this is about and walked out.
And that is about what everyone else said as well as well as could it get any more boring than this?
Just too much nothing with a lot of set work.

So they go through a stargate in the film and reference the destruction of the earth and it reborn and man being remade into something much bigger and better etc by some advanced godlike entities. More or less. It was first written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1951 as the Sentinel where an astronaut finds a pyramid on the moon with a force field around it and when they finally remove the force field with an atomic weapon it destroys the pyramid and that is supposed to signal its creator alien race that man has reached that stage of development.
Sort of like saying when man has nuclear power like during WWiI the aliens will notice them and come.

At the same time in 1967 Star Trek put out an episode  City on the edge of Forever similar to Time Tunnel where McCoy accidentally injects himself with a drug goes mad beams to a planet surface and finds a time portal goes back to NY saves a woman's life and suddenly the Enterprise disappears.
Kirk and Spock are there to rescue him as he dives into the portal so they follow to prevent that from occurring.
silly show since probably Kirk and Spock would no longer be there had that occurred.

Spock would not be in the company of Kirk at the very least.
However that episode is said to be one of the best episodes. A complete shit show to write since they appear to have been using writers from the first run and the second run trying to get them to cooperate.


Mar 11, 2024, 7:22:36 PMMar 11
to Meaningless nonsense
If indeed the last 200 years has been an attempt to somehow record the basic general history of the Milky Way galaxy I would have to say it is quite a lousy production.

I am sure that myself and the others I know who did voyage to the prehistoric planet agree it is the worst we have ever seen.
Having committed suicide as a planet more than once you would have to say that the reasons behind it are not going to make any rendering of it worth reading or watching. Pathetic as it is.

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