New E400 MMC in service?

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adam williams

Oct 5, 2023, 8:21:35 PM10/5/23
to Invicta Google Group
One of the new E400 MMCs is out in service today on the 102 (I saw it disappearing around the corner by the Waitrose roundabout in Hythe about twenty minutes ago). It appears to be tracking as 34792, which might suggest that it is one of 11652-58, especially as 11603-06 appear to be tracking properly these days - can anyone confirm visually, please?



Nicholas King

Oct 9, 2023, 5:00:30 AM10/9/23

11604 has been tracking as 34792 since it came back from loan to South towards the end of August (see page 23/270 of Invicta).  It has not tracked under its own identity since 15th August.  So that was probably what Adam saw.

                However, I have a report that 11658, now in use as photographed to the group the other day by Martin Smith, is tracking as 34653.  That is particularly interesting, since it implies the transfer of that ETM from Thanet to Dover.

                An eagle eye is needed please on the continued use of 15180-9 and 15750.  Now that the new stock is increasingly in service, it cannot be long before those head off to East Scotland.  Only four of them seem to be tracking today.


Nicholas King

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Oct 11, 2023, 9:29:55 PM10/11/23
to Invicta Bus & Coach Newsgroup
My observations as a Dover resident are that all of the ex "GoldLine" Scania's have been seen in service on Routes 12, 15, 81, 91/91A and 102 since Monday 9th, excecpt YN64AKJ 15182 and YN64AKK 15183 which were noted parked up in Dover Depot on Saturday 7th, and KX61DLY 15750 made an unusual appearance on Route 63 this Wednesday 11th, and I captured it turning into South Road in Tower Hamlets, on a route that is not particulary suited to double deckers in my opinion.

Nicholas King

Oct 14, 2023, 3:31:45 PM10/14/23

Another source tells me that 15183 is currently at Eastbourne for repairs.  Indeed, it hasn’t tracked in service since 25th August, when still at Folkestone, so doesn’t seem to have seen any use at Dover, unless masquerading under another ETM identity.  The last tracking is for 9th September, showing it as parked at Menzies Road; it hasn’t tracked since.

Can it be confirmed that it was indeed at Dover depot last Saturday?


Nicholas King


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adam williams

Oct 14, 2023, 3:55:35 PM10/14/23

I can't help around 15183, I'm afraid, but I can confirm both 15189 and 15750 at least are still out, both noted on the 102 within ten minutes of driving from Folkestone to Hythe this afternoon.


adam williams

Oct 14, 2023, 3:55:36 PM10/14/23
Oh, and 10708 still retains it's old Wave maps (seen on the 102 this week).


Oct 15, 2023, 9:33:19 PM10/15/23
to Invicta Bus & Coach Newsgroup
While in Sussex on Saturday 14th, I passed by Eastbourne Depot and can confirm that 15183 YN64AKK was indeed present round the back, and had its "mouth" open suggesting it is indeed being worked on.
Round the back I also noted Training Dart 34656 GX54DXG and Training Enviro 27519 GX06DZA, ALX400 18160 GX54DVA and the very charred remains of what I'm told was an MMC, while in the Town I noticed ex "Thanet Loop" MMC's 26252 YW19VNY and 26254 YW19VPA were on Route 1/1X, the later looking freshly painted when I drove past it near Cornfield Road.

Neil Bays

Oct 16, 2023, 12:45:38 PM10/16/23
to Invicta Bus & Coach Newsgroup
The charred remains are probably 19662 which caught light on the A267 in Hailsham on 5th October
Neil B
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