Install qMDD GUI in Mac Sierra (10.12.5)

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Borja Mateos López

Jun 30, 2017, 7:32:04 AM6/30/17
to mddnmr
Dear MDDnmr users,

I am struggling to install the GUI in my personal laptop (Mac Sierra 10.12.5).
It seems there are many issues trying to install PySide.

I wonder if somebody have experienced this issue before.

Thanks in advance,

Borja Mateos.

Borja Mateos López

Jul 5, 2017, 5:37:40 AM7/5/17
to mddnmr

Following the recommendations of Maxim. the easisest way is to install Canopy (v1.7.4... with  v2.1.3 I didnt manage). The open it and it will set a new Python environment. Afterwards add this lines to your .cshrc (before MDDnmr lines that remain unaffected)

setenv canopy /Users/you/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit
set path=( $canopy/User/bin $canopy/System/bin $path )

Then in termianl (csh) type qMDD and works without problems.
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