The regime will and cannot not give us a leadership

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MDC Information Department

Mar 7, 2020, 8:23:37 AM3/7/20
to mdcchangingtimes

The regime will and cannot not give us a leadership

MDC youth assembly would like to state categorically, without fear of contradictions, that we will not fold hands while the regime attempts to
use every platform necessary and unnecessary to destabilize the movement.

1. The regime wants to use all the avenues including the Supreme Court judgement to destabilize the party by parroting an idea that a
judgement will be issued to choose a new leadership for the MDC.

2. There are those, for reasons best known to themselves, who believe that such a time will come when Zanu PF will foist a leadership on us.

3. On cheap corruption allegations against the party, this is a fabricated narrative to divert us from the real crisis affecting the people of Zimbabwe.
 Their intention is to equalize our party with Zanu, whose corrupt oligarchy have stashed loot worth a whopping US$7 billion outside the country,
according to ZACC.

We therefore state as follows:

1. The Movement for Democratic Change gathered in Gweru on the 26th of May 2019 at our 5th national congress elected a leadership whose
outcome is a matter and fact of public knowledge.  No leader of this great movement will emerge from Zanu PF.

2. The President is not a signatory to any party account. This is a task constitutionally mandated to the Secretary General and the Treasurer
General who are signatories and anything related to party funds shall be unveiled in the audit report.
The people must know that this is a hatchet job to malign and besmirch the character and image of our leadership.

3. Those who in their infinite wisdom, or lack of it thereof, are made to believe that there is or they can be another leadership outside that of
President Chamisa and his team are day-dreaming.

4. As the vanguard of the party, whose key values are justice, freedom and solidarity, we respect anyone’s freedom to lead the movement, but
only through a democratic process as the one we conducted in Gweru. Those imagining themselves at 44 Nelson Mandela without the popular
mandate of the people must wake up from their slumber.

We will not allow such shenanigans. Our focus is and shall be on taking the fight to the doorstep of this callous, brutal and ruthless regime.

Our sole intention being to transform the concrete realities of our people.

Wamba is in charge!

Until victory
Aluta continua

Comrade Ostallos
Secretary General
MDC Youth assembly


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