President Chamisa initiates ZimLOC campaign

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MDC Information Department

Mar 16, 2020, 10:22:58 AM3/16/20
to mdcchangingtimes
President Chamisa initiates ZimLOC campaign

As Zanu PF celebrates the death of innocent citizens, the MDC is taking seriously the danger posed by the Corona as the growing scourge
requires action, solidarity, empathy and collaborative action.

As part of playing our own part, Party President Adv Nelson Chamisa has initiated the #ZimLOC (Zimbabwe Lock Out Corona) campaign with a
view to encourage preparedness especially in MDC-led councils. The initiative is also meant to ensure proactive participation of parliamentarians
and increase awareness among citizens.

The cases of Corona are rising, with over 160 000 people having been infected worldwide. Over 6000 people have lost their lives while 19 African
Countries. Including neighbouring South Africa, have since recorded cases of Corona.
The President has today visited Wilkins Hospital to satisfy himself with the preparedness at the facility, which has been attending to suspected
cases of the virus.

The ZimLOC campaign will include the following:

•Every urban centre to have a designated Covid-19 clinic or hospital

•Each city to have a point person to specifically deal with the Corona virus

•Appointing special committees in Councils and Parliament to provide oversight

•The President has also instructed the MDC Shadow Health Minister Dr Henry Madzorera to establish a National Command Centre which will
have full time competent persons to give assistance wherever red flags are raised. The national command centre will have hotlines to be
published on party platforms in due course.

•Our parliamentarians will push a motion for special appropriation specifically to fund the budgetary requirements for preparedness, including
funding fixed and mobile testing stations.

MDC Communications

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