Resolutions of the SMART Councils Inaugural Summit 11-12 March 2020, Harare

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MDC Information Department

Mar 12, 2020, 2:29:50 PM3/12/20
to mdcchangingtimes
Resolutions of the SMART Councils Inaugural Summit 11-12 March 2020, Harare

Cognisant of the pre and post-independence history of Zimbabwe, the role Local Government played and continue to play in the shaping of the
socio-economic and political discourse of the country through service Delivery.

Irked by the continued unconstitutional central government interference in particular the Minister of Local Governance in the operation of Councils
directly affecting full execution of local authority mandates.

Appreciating the efforts being put in place by the MDC led Councils and Councillors against all odds under unfavourable circumstances and
unconducive economic environment presided over by an illegitimate Mnangagwa regime.

Acknowledging that Residents must be at the centre of council programming, their needs must be the highest motivation in the creation of Smart

Considering the role, form and nature of the Mnangagwa regime and alive to the potential of State capture of our councillors in Zanu PF’s attempt
to penetrate MDC zones of autonomy

Concerned by the proposed Constitutional Amendment No 2 which has a huge bearing on the mandate and jurisdiction of our Councils.

Further Concerned by the lack of implementation and genuine operationalization of Devolution in accordance with the constitution which remains
a hindrance around the necks of our Councils and their success.

Having had intense two day deliberations which ran under the theme “2020 People’s Councils for SMART Service Delivery” a gathering of 540
Councillors, Civil Society, Church, Labour, women, youths and the Diplomatic Community who resolved as follows:

1. The Councillors should be guided by our SMART policy to ensure that they provide effective service delivery

2. Gender mainstreaming in programme implementation, structure and city/town planning should be at the core of responsive service to the largest
population demography

3. The Councils should challenge unconstitutional directives affecting their independence from the executive including the following:

a. Procurement Laws
b. Revisiting the current joint ventures
c. The Role of ZINARA in licensing and its impact on Council revenue , projects and the ability to attend to roads
d. The deliberate failure to approve 2020 budgets for many Councils and some unapproved budgets in 2019
e. Ministerial Directives and interference on the day to day running of Council Business
f. The non-appointment of the Local Government Board which is stalling the recruitment of crucial staffers of Council especially the bureaucrats.

4. Engage with citizens in a spirit that reflects the Social Democratic values of freedom, solidarity and Justice especially with the informal sector
(Vendors in particular), the vulnerable including managing challenges around informal settlements.

6. Reimagining models of Smart Councils, exhibiting innovation and vision through provision of Smart services which resonate with forth industrial
revolution while ensuring that they are green and inclusive.
7. Councils should protect the environment and wetlands, no allocation of stands should be done on wetlands.

8. The Party will have zero tolerance on any corrupt activities that have a potential of debranding the good work being done by both the Council
and the MDC.

9. The Councils through their Mayor or Chairperson should ensure the following

a. Monthly Progress reports submitted to the Party and Secretary of Local Government  
b. Have bi-monthly meetings with provincial structures led by the Mayor/Chairperson
c. Wards should have report back meetings both to the Mayors and to the Provincial leadership
d. Bi-Monthly MP-Council interface meetings are mandatory
e. Monthly Town Hall meetings with Residents Associations and stakeholders
f. MDC led councils should work to ensure that they defend the MDC’s zones of autonomy enabling full accountability on delivery.
g. Support should continue to be given to Rural District Councillors whose operational environment remains very delicate and fragile.

In conclusion, the SMART Councils Summit shall be an annual event where implementation of resolutions shall be reviewed, insights gained
shared and new decisions made.

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